Classes Taught
- CSC 2412 Algorithms for Private Data Analysis, Winter 2023 (on Quercus, requires U of T access).
Lecture notes, readings, and slides from the Fall 2020 offering. - CSC473, Advanced Algorithms, Winter 2023. (on Quercus, requires U of T access).
- CSC 2412 Algorithms for Private Data Analysis, Fall 2020 (on Quercus, requires U of T access).
Lecture notes, readings, and slides are made public. - CSC473, Advanced Algorithms, Fall 2020. (on Quercus, requires U of T access).
- CSC 473, Advanced Algorithms, Winter 2020.
- CSC 265, Enriched Data Structures and Analysis, Fall 2019
- CSC 2412 Algorithms for Private Data Analysis, Fall 2019.
- CSC 473, Advanced Algorithms, Winter 2019.
- CSC 265, Enriched Data Structures and Analysis, Fall 2018
- CSC 2412 Algorithms for Private Data Analysis, Fall 2018.
- Prague Summer School in Discrete Math, Discrepancy Theory and Applications, Summer 2018.
- CSC 473, Advanced Algorithms, Winter 2018.
- CSC 263, Data Structures and Analysis, Winter 2018.
- CSC 2419 Algorithms and Complexity in Private Data Analysis, Winter 2017.
- CSC 473, Advanced Algorithms, Winter 2017.
- CSC 265, Enriched Data Structures and Analysis, Fall 2016
- CSC 263, Data Structures and Analysis, Winter 2016.
- CSC 2414, Discrepancy Theory in Computer Science, Fall 2015