CSC473 (Winter 2019): Advanced Algorithms


The course has 4 group assignments to be completed in groups of maximum two people each.

All homework is due by midnight on its due date.

Assignment Date out Date due Problems/Solutions
Assignment 1 Jan 23 Feb 6 Problems+Solutions
Assignment 2 Feb 13 Feb 27 Problems+Solutions
Assignment 3 March 6 March 20 Problems+Solutions
Assignment 4 March 20 April 3 Problems+Solutions

Working in Groups

A group assignment is to be done by at most two people. For these assignments you are strongly encouraged to work with a partner, rather than work alone. You and your partner should discuss the questions with one another, and come up with solutions together, but you may not discuss them with other students. During discussions with your partner, you may take notes and use those notes to write and revise your single joint solutions. For each problem, one student in the group is responsible for writing the solution, and the other student is responsible for proof-reading and revising it. The first page of your submission must list the name, student ID, and UTOR email address of each group member, and also indicate, for each problem, who wrote the solution, and who revised it. The purpose of these rules is to ensure that each student fully understands the solution of every problem in the group submission.

If you would like to work with someone but you don't know anybody who could be your partner, simply post a "Search for Teammates" message in Piazza. Also, make an effort to speak with your classmates during lectures and tutorials - you may find that there are many others in the same situation as yours.

Academic Integrity

When working on assignments, you are not allowed to consult other books, solution manuals, or solutions to assigned problems or similar problems on the Internet. You should not discuss homework solutions with anyone other than the professor, the TA, and your partner (if working on a group assignment).

Failure to comply with these guidelines is a serious academic offense.
If you have any questions about this policy, make sure you ask the professor or the TA. More information about why plagiarism is bad and what happens to cheaters can be found at

Lateness Policy

Every student has one grace credit, which allows them to be late on one assignment for up to 24 hours. After the credit is used, no other late submission from the same student will be accepted for the remainder of the course. If the assignment is a group assignment, the credit is taken from both members of the group, and no other late assignments will be accepted from either group member for the remainder of the course.

Special Consideration

If you are unable to complete homework or if you miss the midterm test due to major illness or other circumstances completely outside of your control, have your doctor complete an official U of T Verification of Student Illness or Injury form and submit it to your instructor as soon as possible.

Remarking Requests

Remarking requests will be accepted up to one week after the due date of the homework assignment. A remarking request can be used to alert us to possible mistakes in the grading of an assignment, but not to question the marking scheme of the assignment.

Submission Instructions

All project submission will be done electronically, using the MarkUs system. (A link to our MarkUs instance will be posted here soon.)

To submit as a group (only for group assignments), one of you needs to invite the others to be partners, and then the other students need to accept the invitation. To invite one or more partners, navigate to the appropriate Assignment page, find "Group Information", and click on "Invite". You will be prompted for the other students' CDF user name; enter them. To accept an invitation, find "Group Information" on the assignment page, find the invitation listed there, and click on "Join". Only one student must invite the others: if more than one student sends an invitation, then none of you will be able to accept the others' invitation. So make sure to agree beforehand on who will send the invitation! Also, remember that, when working in a group, only one person must submit solutions.

Once you have submitted, click on the file's name to check that you have submitted the correct version-and that it is in PDF.

Remember to put the name, student ID, and UTOR email address of the group member who wrote the solution, and also the name, student ID, and the UTOR email address of the group member who proof-read and revised it on the first page of the submission.

File Formats and LaTeX resources

You are encouraged to use LaTeX to typeset your homework solutions (see below for links to LaTeX resources). However, the use of LaTeX is not required - what matters is that your submissions all be in PDF and typed. Scans of hand-written solutions will not be accepted!

LaTeX resources LaTeX is a general-purpose typesetting system that makes it easy to generate high-quality documents, particularly when formatting mathematical formulae. In addition, Piazza supports typesetting equations with LaTeX syntax (by enclosing the equation in double dollar signs $$...$$). Here are some links to get you started.