CSC265 (Fall 2016): Enriched Data Structures and Analysis


Welcome to the course webpage for the Fall 2016 term of CSC265, Enriched Data Structures and Analysis. Here is the course content:

Algorithm analysis: worst-case, average-case, and amortized complexity. Standard abstract data types, such as graphs, dictionaries, priority queues, and disjoint sets. A variety of data structures for implementing these abstract data types, such as balanced search trees, hashing, heaps, and disjoint forests. Design, implementation, and comparison of data structures. Introduction to lower bounds.

This course is an "enriched" version of CSC263, Data Structures and Analysis. While we cover the same topics, we will go at a faster pace, in greater depth and with more rigour, and with more challenging assignments. Greater emphasis will be placed on proofs, theoretical analysis, and creative problem-solving. Certain topics briefly mentioned in CSC263H1 may be covered in more detail in this course, and some additional topics may also be covered.

Make sure to read and understand the course information sheet. Check this website and Piazza frequently to make sure you receive any course announcements. Check the Lectures page for the required reading.


Text Book

Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein is available online from the University of Toronto library. We will refer to this text as CLRS.

Contact information

Instructor/TA Aleksandar Nikolov Robert Robere (TA)
Email anikolov -at-
robere -at-
Office Sandford Fleming 2301B Sandford Fleming 4306
Office Hours: Thu 10am-noon, or by appointment N/A

Prof. Nikolov will attempt to respond to legitimate email inquiries from students within 48 hours. Please include "CSC265" in the subject line of the email.

Where and When

Type Lecture Tutorial
Room Woodsworth 25 Rosebrugh 211
Time Tuesday 2pm - 4pm Thursday 3pm - 4pm

Grading Scheme

Your mark for the class will be based on the following components:

The midterm exam will be one hour long, and will take place on October 27, 2016, in the tutorial time slot. It will cover all the material in the first six weeks of the course.

You need to score at least 40\% on the final exam to pass the course.

Academic Integrity

Every student must abide by the University of Toronto academic integrity policy, and the Code of Student Conduct. Academic misconduct is taken very seriously! See the Homeworks page for information about what resources you are allowed to use when working on your assignments.


The link to sign up for our Piazza forum is
Piazza is a third-party software. It will be used in this class strictly as a discussion board. When posting, abide by the academic integrity policy. In particular, do not post solutions to homework problems. Make sure to read the Piazza terms of use before signing up, and if you have any concerns, contact the instructor directly. If you decide to participate in Piazza, only provide content that you are comfortable sharing under the terms of the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
When using Piazza, be respectful to your instructors and fellow students. Offensive language and threatening behavior will not be tolerated. Keep in mind that when posting "anonynomously", you are anonymous only to other students, but not to the instructors.