Grading Scheme

3 Exercises: 6% each

3 Assignments: 9% each

1 Term Tests: 18%

1 Final Exam: 37%


All homework exercises and assignments are due before 5pm on their due date.

Late homework will be penalized by 1.5% for every hour of lateness (rounded up and only up to 24 hours after the due time), except for

documented unusual circumstances — see the website for our policy on special consideration. Note that, there is a limit on how late you can submit. This limit is 24 hours after the original due date. After that, your submission will not be accepted.

Each exercise must be completed individually (see the policy on collaboration on the main page).

Each assignment must be completed in groups of 1–4 students (details are on the main page).

For the term test, you will be allowed one handwritten single-sided 8.5” x 11” aid sheet.

For the final exam, you will be allowed one handwritten double-sided 8.5” x 11” aid sheet.

If you earn less than 35% on the final exam, your final course grade will be reduced below 50. This is not a unique policy to this course. This is a standard practice in many computer science courses. So, no matter how well you do otherwise, you cannot pass this course if you get below 35% in the final exam.

Grades for exams will be posted on Blackboard. Grades for exercises and assignments will be on Markus.