Master Set of Unweighted MaxSat Instances


The unweighted instances are divided into the following families. Click on the links for more information about the instances in each family.

  1. aes
  2. aes-key-recovery
  3. atcoss
  4. bcp
  5. biorepair
  6. causal-discovery
  7. CircuitDebuggingProblems
  8. CircuitTraceCompaction
  9. close_solutions
  10. ConsistentQueryAnswering
  11. des
  12. drmx-atmostk
  13. drmx-cryptogen
  14. extension-enforcement
  15. fault-diagnosis
  16. frb
  17. gen-hyper-tw
  18. HaplotypeAssembly
  19. hs-timetabling
  20. jobshop
  21. kbtree
  22. logic-synthesis
  23. maxclique
  24. maxcsp
  25. maxcut
  26. MaximumCommonSub-GraphExtraction
  27. maxone
  28. max-realizability
  29. MaxSATQueriesinInterpretableClassifiers
  30. mbd
  31. min-fill
  32. mqc
  33. optic
  34. packup
  35. ParametricRBACMaintenance
  36. protein_ins
  37. pseudoBoolean
  38. railway-transport
  39. ramsey
  40. reversi
  41. rna-alignment
  42. routing
  43. scheduling
  44. SeanSafarpour
  45. set-covering
  46. tpr
  47. treewidth-computation
  48. uaq
  49. vpa
  50. wqueens
  51. xai-mindset2


To download all unweighted instances you can use the following commands:

  1. Change to a directory where you want to store the instances. The instances will be unzipped into a subdirectory called maxsat-instances
  2. Run the following wget command

The following links will allow you to download the instances from individual families. Follow the same approach as described above and a directory containing the family instances will be unzipped into a subdirectory called maxsat-instances.

  1. aes
  2. aes-key-recovery
  3. atcoss
  4. bcp
  5. biorepair
  6. causal-discovery
  7. CircuitDebuggingProblems
  8. CircuitTraceCompaction
  9. close_solutions
  10. ConsistentQueryAnswering
  11. des
  12. drmx-atmostk
  13. drmx-cryptogen
  14. extension-enforcement
  15. fault-diagnosis
  16. frb
  17. gen-hyper-tw
  18. HaplotypeAssembly
  19. hs-timetabling
  20. jobshop
  21. kbtree
  22. logic-synthesis
  23. maxclique
  24. maxcsp
  25. maxcut
  26. MaximumCommonSub-GraphExtraction
  27. maxone
  28. max-realizability
  29. MaxSATQueriesinInterpretableClassifiers
  30. mbd
  31. min-fill
  32. mqc
  33. optic
  34. packup
  35. ParametricRBACMaintenance
  36. protein_ins
  37. pseudoBoolean
  38. railway-transport
  39. ramsey
  40. reversi
  41. rna-alignment
  42. routing
  43. scheduling
  44. SeanSafarpour
  45. set-covering
  46. tpr
  47. treewidth-computation
  48. uaq
  49. vpa
  50. wqueens
  51. xai-mindset2