MaxSat Instances

All MaxSat instances used and collected over the years of running the MaxSat Evaluations listed here and are available for download.


To reduce file space the zip files stores duplicated files as relative symlinks. If you want these symlinks to work after download
all downloaded zips must be unzipped in the same directory All zips will add data into a sub-directory of the unzipping directory, named maxsat-instances.

gz compression

All individual instances files within the zip archives are gzip compressed, otherwise they occupy too much space when extracted. If you have available file space you can ungzip the individual files after downloading and extracting the zips. Or you can support compressed inputs in your solver. Decompressing gz is fast and on most MaxSat instances it achives an excellent compression ratio.


  1. The master collection of over 30,000 instances occupying 61GB when unzipped (much more space than this is required if individual instances are uncompressed). This collection contains no symlinks and no duplicated instances. It includes all instances used in recent evaluations. The collection is divided into unweighed and weighted categories, and different families of instances within each category. Each category or family can be downloaded individually.
  2. Maxsat Evaluation instances. These are the instances used in the yearly MaxSat evaluations organized by year containing almost 40,000 instances with many duplications (the same instance used in mutiple years). Almost all of these instances are stored as symlinks into in the master collection. You can download the master collection and then download the extra 69MB zip which will establish symlinks to the master instances organized by evaluation year. For convience for those who do not want the entire master collection, instances from the two most recent years of the evaluation instances are available in a non-symlinked zip.
  3. Submitted families. These are families of over 30,000 instances that have been sumitted to the MaxSat evaluations over the years. Most of these are stored as symlinks into the master collection (so you will need to download and unzip the master collection files first).
  4. 2020 Submitted families. These are families were submitted to the 2020 evaluation. They consist of 3243 weighted instances and 1848 unweighted instances. They have not yet been integrated into the master collection, but will eventually be.


To download all instances you can use the following commands:
  1. Change to a directory where you want to store the instances. The instances will be unzipped into a subdirectory called maxsat-instances
  2. Run the following wget commands to download the zips for the master collection
    • wget -r -nd -np -erobots=off -A zip
    • wget -r -nd -np -erobots=off -A zip
  3. Unzip all the zips. This will set up the master collection files. You can delete the downloaded zip files after this./li>
  4. Download the maxsat evaluation and submitted families zips (these contain mostly symlinks)
  5. Unzip these two downloaded zip files. Note that the master collection must be created first, else unzipping these files will result in many failed symlinks.
Now all instances will be located in the subdirectory maxsat-instances.