XIB: eXtensible Information Broker

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Methods And Tools Used


Compiler             javaLogo.gif (1495 bytes)

   The compiler that we are currently using is JDK 1.2.2.  This compiler may be downloaded at www.java.sun.com .

Tools                 swing.gif (2003 bytes)         visualAge.gif (3339 bytes)

    The GUI interface for the XIB Broker Builder was created using the Java Foundation Classes.  This API may be downloaded at www.java.sun.com/products/jfc/index.html .    Most of the GUI was designed visually using IBM VisualAge for Java version 2.0.  A trial version of VisualAge may be downloaded at www7.software.ibm.com/vad.nsf .


XML Parser

    XML documents are parsed using XML4J version 2.0.15.  This parser may be downloaded at www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/xml4j .


HTML Parser         webl.gif (1278 bytes)

    HTML documents from web based information sources are parsed and processed using WebL, a scripting language for automating tasks on the World-Wide Web.  Developed at Compaq, this language is imperative, interpreted and has built-in support for common web protocols.  The WebL software may be downloaded at www.research.digital.com/SRC/WebL/index.html .


Database Tools    msql.gif (5958 bytes)

    Databases are accessed using JDBC technology, an API that allows users to access virtually any tabular data source form the Java programming language.  This API provides cross-DBMS connectivity to a wide range of SQL databases.  To perform queries, we use Mini SQL (mSQL) version 2.0.11, by Hughes Technologies.  This is a light weight relational database management system capable of providing rapid access to data with very little overhead.  The latest version of mSQL may be downloaded at www.Hughes.com.au/products/msql/ .




ut_crest.gif (2479 bytes)
© Copyrighted University of Toronto

Maintained by Jianguo Lu