[Photo of Vlad Kolesnikov]

Vladimir Kolesnikov

I am migrating this page to the new place at Bell Labs

Ph.D. student, Dept. Comp. Sci., University of Toronto.
My advisors are Ian F. Blake and Charles Rackoff.

I have graduated. I am now a member of technical staff at Bell Labs.

Research: Formal cryptography and systems security.
Thesis: Secure Two-Party Computation and Communication.
CV Aug 2009 (ps, pdf)

Contact me: ####@research.bell-labs.com, replacing "####" with "kolesnikov"

Selected (Refereed) Publications:

Note: above slides use TexPoint.

Ph.D. Thesis (official version, June 30, 2006):

The thesis contains results reported in the above top four papers.
Official double spaced version: ps pdf. Convenient single spaced version: ps, pdf.

M.Sc. Thesis:

My M.Sc. thesis deals with heuristic reductions from knapsack problem to the problem of finding short vectors in integer lattices. The latter is efficiently solved by the Lenstra, Lenstra and Lovasz algorithm. A good reduction results in better ways of solving knapsack. Look at the short summary (ps, pdf) (better written), or full thesis (ps) (a bit messier).

The following publications are not available online due to Non-Disclosure Agreements.

Non-refereed publications (Technical Reports, etc.) :

Personal: judo (4.5 yrs), soccer(football) (since age 4), chess (10 yrs).

Vladimir Kolesnikov

Page Last Updated: Apr, 2008