by Nancy Leveson
What Do You
Care What Other People think? by Richard Feynman
Space Shuttle
- Current info about the shuttle:
- Info about Challenger:
- Rogers Commission Report (see especially appendix F, by Richard Feynman)
- A Succinct summary of the key factors and issues:
- Info about ESA’s launchers:
- Inquiry report & Press release:
Mariner 1
- Data sheet
- Summary of problems from Risks Digest vol 5 no 73
Mars Observer
- Project summary
- Brief summary of possible causes
Mars Pathfinder
- Project info:
- Report on the priority inversion problem:
Mars Climate Orbiter
- Project Info:
- Investigation Report:
Mars Polar Lander & Deep Space 2
- Project info:
- Investigation Reports:
General Resources
- RISKS forum archive:
- JPL’s list of missions (past, present and future)
- Basics of Space Flight: