Sky Li

It's me! (some artistic license taken)

About Me

Hello! I am a second year Masters student in Computer Science at the University of Toronto in the Software Engineering and Theory Groups. I am fortunate to be supervised by Azadeh Farzan and Sasho Nikolov. I also completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto majoring in Computer Science and History.

You can find my CV here (last updated November 2023).


I am currently working at the intersection of (differential) privacy and formal verification - given a putatively private algorithm, is there some way we can automatically verify that the algorithm is indeed private? In particular, I am working on automatically generating probabilistic couplings that can compositionally produce proofs of privacy.


My email is sky [at] cs [dot] toronto [dot] edu.
You can find my GitHub here.
I am non-binary and use any pronouns (they/them preferred).
In my free time, I enjoy reading, listening to classical music, and playing trivia.