Dr. Tanya Schmah
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada;
Honorary Associate, Department of Mathematics, Macquarie University, Australia.
email: (my last name) (at) cs.toronto.edu .

I am currently a postdoctoral fellow in Machine Learning group of the Department of Computer Science, where I work with Rich Zemel, Stephen Strother and Geoffrey Hinton on massively multivariate stochastic models of medical images and other "wide" data sets.

From February 2004 to January 2007, I was a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at Macquarie University, where I remain an Honorary Associate. Prior to this I was a visiting lecturer at the University of Surrey (U.K.), and before that a lecturer at the University of Warwick (U.K.). In 2001, I finished a doctorate under the supervision of Tudor Ratiu at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Most of my mathematics research has been in geometric mechanics, a field in which modern differential geometry is used to study classical mechanical problems. My main collaborators in this field have been Cristina Stoica, Mark Roberts and Darryl Holm.


Schmah, T., Marwan, N., Thomsen, J.S., and Saparin, P. [2011] Long range node-strut analysis of trabecular bone microarchitecture. Medical Physics, 38(9), 5003-5011

Lawson, J.K., Schmah, T., Stoica, C. [2011] Euler-Poincaré reduction for systems with configuration space isotropy. Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 3 (2), 261-275

Yourganov, G., Schmah, T., Small, S.L., Rasmussen, P.M. and Strother, S.C. [2010] Functional connectivity metrics during stroke recovery. Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 148

Schmah, T., Yourganov, G., Zemel, R. S., Hinton, G. E. , Small, S. L., and Strother, S. C. [2010] Comparing classification methods for longitudinal fMRI studies.
Neural Computation, 22:11

Holm, D.D., Schmah, T. and Stoica, C. [2009] Geometric Mechanics and Symmetry: From Finite to Infinite Dimensions. Oxford University Press {book page on OUP site}

Schmah, T., Hinton, G., Zemel, R., Small, S. L., and Strother, S. [2009] Generative versus discriminate RBM models for classification of fMRI images. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21. {pdf}

Schmah, T. and Stoica, C. [2007] A generalisation of Saari's Conjecture is generically true. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. {pdf}

Schmah, T. [2007] A cotangent bundle slice theorem. Diff. Geom. Appl. 25, 101-124 {pdf}

Schmah, T. and Stoica, C. [2006] Stability for Lagrangian relative equilibria of three point mass systems. J. Phys. A: Mathematical and General. 39(46) {pdf}

Roberts, M., Schmah, T. and Stoica, C. [2006] Relative equilibria in systems with configuration space isotropy. J. Geom. Phys. 56 (5), 762-779 {pdf}

Schmah, T. [2002] Symmetries of Cotangent Bundles. Ph.D. thesis, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

Schmah, T. [2001] Torus actions on symplectic orbi-spaces. Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 129, 1169-1177 {pdf}

Rapp, P.E., Celluci, C.J., Watanabe, T.A.A., Albano, A.M. and Schmah, T.I. [2001]. Surrogate data pathologies and the false-positive rejection of the null hypothesis. Intn. J. Bifurcation and Chaos. 11(4), 983-997. {pdf}

Rapp, P.E., Schmah, T.I. [2000] Dynamical analysis in clinical practice. In: Chaos in Brain? K. Lehnertz, J. Arnhold, P. Grassberger and C.E. Elger, eds. pp. 52-65, World Scientific, Singapore.

Rapp, P.E., Schmah, T.I. and Mees, A.I. [1999] Models of knowing and the investigation of dynamical systems. Physica 132D, 133-149. {pdf}

Rapp, P.E., Schmah, T.I. [1996] Complexity measures in molecular psychiatry. Molecular Psychiatry, 1, 408-416.

Rapp, P.E., Albano, A.M., Schmah, T.I., Farwell, L.A. [1993] Filtered noise can mimic low-dimensional chaotic attractors. Phys. Rev. 47E, 2289-2297.