class Test(object): pass a= Test() b= Test() type(a) #Note that the class also contains the module name) #go to lecture. class Patient(object): def set_age(self, age): self.age = age a = Patient() a.set_age(10) a.age = 'a' #Bad, shouldn't do this! #Annoying to set class paramaters this way, can we do it when we're creating the object? #Go to slides. print a #Save shell, run Patient class. a = Patient ('a', 10) print a #note difference. import media dir(media.picture.Picture) #show __iter__. Maybe restart shell and show that you can just import picture if you want. Back to slides. save shell and run surgery patient. a= Surgery_patient('a',10,'b') type(a) #Go through constructor. a.get_surgery print a #back to slides.