
I am a PhD student at the University of Toronto's Department of Computer Science, where I am fortunate to be supervised by Marsha Chechik.

I am interested in using automated reasoning to solve software engineering problems, including automated theorem proving, model checking, and proof assistants.

I am especially interested in problems surrounding software evolution, variability, and assurance arguments.

Here is my CV and Google Scholar. You can reach me at lmurphy@cs.toronto.edu.


An extended version of our MoDELS 2021 paper has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Software Systems and Modeling (SoSyM).


Invited Papers

Validating Safety Arguments with Lean
Logan Murphy, Torin Viger, Alessio Di Sandro, Ramy Shahin, Marsha Chechik

Refereed Conference Proceedings

A Lean Approach to Building Valid Model-based Safety Arguments
Torin Viger, Logan Murphy, Alessio Di Sandro, Ramy Shahin, Marsha Chechik