Assignment 2

Deadline: January 27, 9pm

Late Penalty: See Syllabus

TA: Hojjat Salehinejad

In this assignment, you will train a convolutional neural network to classify an image into one of two classes: "cat" or "dog". In the process, you will:

  1. Understand at a high level the training loop for a machine learning model.
  2. Understand the distinction between training, validation, and test data.
  3. The concepts of overfitting and underfitting.
  4. Investigate how different hyperparameters, such as learning rate and batch size, affect the success of training.

What to submit

Submit a PDF file containing all your code, outputs, and write-up from parts 1-4. Do not submit any other files produced by your code.

Completing this assignment using Jupyter Notebook is recommended (though not necessarily for all subsequent assignments). If you are using Jupyter Notebook, you can export a PDF file using the menu option File -> Download As -> PDF via LaTeX (pdf)

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Part 0. PyTorch Setup

For this assignment, you will need to install PyTorch, a software framework for machine learning. We will be using PyTorch for the rest of the course assignments and project.

Download PyTorch from for your specific operating system, and NVIDIA CUDA library version. Use the corresponding installation command shown on the website for your system.

You can test that your system has installed PyTorch successfully by bringing up a Python interpreter and running import torch.

In [ ]:
import torch

Part 1. Visualizing the Data [5 pt]

We will make use of some of the CIFAR-10 data set, which consists of colour images of size 32x32 pixels for 10 categories.

For this assignment, we will only be using the cat and dog categories. We have included code that automatically downloads the dataset the first time that the main script is run.

In [ ]:
from a2code import get_data_loader
In [ ]:
# This will download the CIFAR-10 dataset to a folder called "data"
# the first time you run this code.
train_loader, val_loader, test_loader, classes = get_data_loader(
    target_classes=["cat", "dog"], 

Part (a) -- 1 pt

Visualize some of the data by running the code below. Include the visualization in your writeup.

In [ ]:
k = 0
for images, labels in train_loader:
    # since batch_size = 1, there is only 1 image in `images`
    image = images[0]
    # place the colour channel at the end, instead of at the beginning
    img = np.transpose(image, [1,2,0])
    # normalize pixel intensity values to [0, 1]
    img = img / 2 + 0.5
    plt.subplot(3, 5, k+1)

    k += 1
    if k > 14:

Part (b) -- 2 pt

How many training, validation, and test examples do we have for the combined cat and dog classes?

Part (c) -- 2pt

Why do we need a validation set when training our model? What happens if we judge the performance of our models using the training set loss/error instead of the validation set loss/error?

Part 2. Training [10 pt]

We define two neural networks, a LargeNet and SmallNet. We'll be training the networks in this section.

You won't understand fully what these networks are doing until the next few classes, and that's okay. For this assignment, please focus on learning how to train networks, and how hyperparameters affect training.

In [ ]:
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class LargeNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(LargeNet, self).__init__() = "large"
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 5, 5)
        self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(5, 10, 5)
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(10 * 5 * 5, 32)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(32, 1)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv1(x)))
        x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv2(x)))
        x = x.view(-1, 10 * 5 * 5)
        x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
        x = self.fc2(x)
        x = x.squeeze(1) # Flatten to [batch_size]
        return x
In [ ]:
class SmallNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(SmallNet, self).__init__() = "small"
        self.conv = nn.Conv2d(3, 5, 3)
        self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
        self.fc = nn.Linear(5 * 7 * 7, 1)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv(x)))
        x = self.pool(x)
        x = x.view(-1, 5 * 7 * 7)
        x = self.fc(x)
        x = x.squeeze(1) # Flatten to [batch_size]
        return x
In [ ]:
small_net = SmallNet()
large_net = LargeNet()

Part (a) -- 2pt

The methods small_net.parameters() and large_net.parameters() produces an iterator of all the trainable parameters of the network. Most of these parameters are torch tensors containing many scalar values.

What is the total number of parameters in small_net and in large_net?

In [ ]:
for param in small_net.parameters():

Part (b) -- 1pt

The function train_net from takes an untrained neural network (like small_net and large_net) and several other parameters.

The figure below shows the high level training loop for a machine learning model:

The other parameters to the function train_net are hyperparameters. We made these hyperparameters easy to modify so that we can tune them later on. What are the default values of those parameters?

In [ ]:
from a2code import train_net

Part (c) -- 1pt

Train both small_net and large_net using the function train_net and its default parameters. The function will write many files to disk, including a model checkpoint (saved values of model weights) at the end of each epoch.

Report the total time elapsed when training each network.

Part (d) - 1pt

Use the function plot_training_curve in to display the trajectory of the training/validation error and the training/validation loss.

Do this for both the small network and the large network. Include both plots in your writeup.

In [ ]:
from a2code import plot_training_curve, get_model_name

Part (e) - 5pt

Describe what you notice about the training curve. How do the curves differ for small_net and large_net? Identify any occurences of underfitting and overfitting.

Part 3. Optimization Parameters [12 pt]

For this section, we will work with large_net only.

Part (a) - 3pt

Train large_net with all default parameters, except set learning_rate=0.001. Does the model take longer/shorter to train? Plot the training curve. Describe the effect of lowering the learning rate.

Part (b) - 3pt

Train large_net with all default parameters, except set learning_rate=0.1. Does the model take longer/shorter to train? Plot the training curve. Describe the effect of increasing the learning rate.

Part (c) - 3pt

Train large_net with all default parameters, including with learning_rate=0.01. Now, set batch_size=512. Does the model take longer/shorter to train? Plot the training curve. Describe the effect of increasing the batch size.

Part (d) - 3pt

Train large_net with all default parameters, including with learning_rate=0.01. Now, set batch_size=16. Does the model take longer/shorter to train? Plot the training curve. Describe the effect of decreasing the batch size.

Part 4. Hyperparameter Search [6 pt]

Part (a) - 2pt

Based on the plots from above, choose another set of values for the hyperparameters (network, batch_size, learning_rate) that you think would help you improve the validation accuracy. Justify your choice.

Part (b) - 1pt

Train the model with the hyperparameters you chose in part(a), and include the training curve.

Part (c) - 2pt

Based on your result from Part(a), suggest another set of hyperparameter values to try. Justify your choice.

Part (d) - 1pt

Train the model with the hyperparameters you chose in part(c), and include the training curve.

Part 4. Evaluating the Best Model [7 pt]

Part (a) - 1pt

Choose the best model that you have so far. This means choosing the best model checkpoint, including the choice of small_net vs large_net, the batch_size, learning_rate, and the epoch number.

Modify the code below to load your chosen set of weights to the model object net.

In [ ]:
net = SmallNet()
model_path = get_model_name(, batch_size=64, learning_rate=0.01, epoch=10)
state = torch.load(model_path)

Part (b) - 1pt

Justify your choice of model from part (a).

Part (c) - 3pt

Using the code in, any code from lecture notes, or any code that you write, compute and report the test classification error. How does this value compare with the validation error?

Part (d) - 2pt

Why did we only use the test data set at the very end? Why is it important that we use the test data as little as possible?