Schedule & Notes

Lectures: W2-4, W6-8 (WB130)

Tutorials: W8, F2

Part I: Representing images as 2D arrays of pixels
Week 1
Wed, Jan 10    Introduction; Cameras and Images    Understanding digital images; basic camera controls; color image acquisition; image noise    Sections 1.1-1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4.2 (only paragraph entitled "silicon sensors"), 2.6.2 from Castleman book A very comprehensive website about photography, cameras and how to characterize their properties   
Wed/Fri tutorial Tutorial on OpenCV & Python       
Week 2
Wed, Jan 17    HDR Imaging and Alpha Matting    Computing camera response functions from images; the matting equation    Sections 1 and 2, up to Eq (2), from the Debevec 1997 Siggraph paper in the Dropbox Readings/ directory. As you read the paper, note that film response curve and camera response curve in the case of digital cameras, are one and the same.    The HDRShop home page.
Rendering with Natural Light (a movie that uses high-dynamic-range photography to capture outtdoor illumination and re-use it for image synthesis)   
Wed/Fri tutorial TBD    See dropbox Tutorials/ directory   
Part II: Representing images as continuous 1D and 2D functions
Week 3
Wed, Jan 24    Computing 1D image derivatives    Least-squares polynomial fitting; intensity derivatives; weighted least squares; RANSAC    To run the demo shown in class: (1) unpack the file in the Demo Code directory, (2) run MATLAB, (3) change the current MATLAB directory to the directory you unpacked the code, (4) type polydemo at the matlab prompt.
You should run the demo for a variety of fits (LS, WLS, 1st degree, 2nd degree, etc) to see their effect.   
Wed/Fri tutorial TBD    See dropbox Tutorials/ directory   
Week 4
Wed, Jan 31    Representing 2D image curves Local analysis of curves: the tangent & normal vectors, the moving frame        
Wed/Fri tutorial TBD    See dropbox Tutorials/ directory           
Week 5
Wed, Feb 7    Edge detection    Local analysis of 1D and 2D image patches: the Image Gradient; case study: Painterly Rendering    See Litwinowicz paper on painterly rendering in the Readings/ directory on Dropbox (this is not required reading).   
Wed/Fri tutorial TBD    See dropbox Tutorials/ directory   
Week 6
Wed, Feb 14    Corner detection, Intelligent Scissors, Seam Carving    Relation between local shape near extrema and the eigenvectors/eigenvalues of the Hessian; relation between eigenvalues & the trace & determinant of a matrix; localizing edges as zero crossings of the Laplacian; the Lowe feature detector: finding non-cylindrical points through eigenvalue analysis of the Hessian of the Laplacian    See Mortensen paper on intelligent scissors in the Readings/ directory on Dropbox (this is not required reading).
This paper and the technique will be covered in one of the forthcoming tutorials.   
Wed/Fri tutorial TBD    See dropbox Tutorials/ directory   
Part III: Representing images as N-dimensional vectors
Week 7
Wed, Feb 28    Template matching, correlation and patch-based image processing    Representing images as vectors; evaluating similarity using RMS distance error, cross-correlation and normalized cross-correlation; non-local means denoising    To run the demo shown in class: (1) unpack the file in the Demo Code directory, (2) run MATLAB, (3) change the current MATLAB directory to the directory you unpacked the code, (4) type corrdemo at the matlab prompt.   
Wed, Feb 28    MIDTERM       
Fri, Mar 2    TBD    See dropbox Tutorials/ directory   
Week 8
Wed, Mar 7    Principal Component Analysis    Face recognition using Eigenfaces    Section 13.6 from Castleman    To run the demo shown in class: (1) unpack the file in the Demo Code directory, (2) run MATLAB, (3) change the current MATLAB directory to the directory you unpacked the code, (4) type pca_recdemo at the matlab prompt.   
Wed/Fri tutorial TBD    See dropbox Tutorials/ directory   
Part IV: Multi-resolution image representations
Week 9
Wed, Mar 14    Gaussian Pyramids    Original paper by Burt and Adelson on the Gauss/Laplacian pyramids in the Dropbox Readings/ directory. You should read up to, but not including, section entitled Entropy.    The Matlab demo in the Demo Code directory on Dropbox shows how a 1D image changes as we smooth it with a sequence of Gaussians of increasing standard deviation.   
Wed/Fri tutorial TBD    See dropbox Tutorials/ directory   
Week 10
Wed, Mar 21    The Haar Wavelet Transform    Wavelet compression of 1D and 2D images    The tutorial paper on the Haar Wavelets by Stollnitz et al in the Readings/ directory on Dropbox.    The Matlab demo in the Demo Code/ directory is the demo shown in class. Type wavedemo at the Matlab prompt to run it.   
Wed/Fri tutorial TBD    See dropbox Tutorials/ directory   
Week 11
Wed, Mar 28    Polynomial fitting vs. correlation; Matching images using SIFT    Analysis of WLS polynomial fitting and image smoothing as a template matching operation; template matching expressed as a multiplication of an image with a Toeplitz matrix; Gaussian image smoothing; SIFT-based feature detection; the SIFT descriptor; image matching using SIFT    Sections 1-3 of the Lowe paper on SIFT found in the Readings/ directory on Dropbox.    Web page on SIFT (with demo code)   
Wed/Fri tutorial TBD    See dropbox Tutorials/ directory   
Part V: Introduction to 2D Image Transformations
Week 12
Wed, Apr 4    Homogeneous coordinates    Homography-based image warping   
Wed tutorial TBD    See dropbox Tutorials/ directory   


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