Assignment | Topic | Weight | Due at 10 p.m. |
1 | Shell Programming | 10% | Thursday October 6 |
2 | System calls | 10% | Thursday October 27 | 3 | Processes and IPC | 10% | Saturday November 19 |
4 | Sockets and Select | 10% | Thursday December 8 |
Announcements, clarifications, corrections and revisions to assigment specifications are posted to the Announcements page and the course newsgroup. Please read these regularly.
#ifndef PORT #define PORT 30000 #endifand set in your Makefile something like:
PORT=10000 CFLAGS = -DPORT=$(PORT) -g -WallThe -D flag for the compiler tells gcc to define the symbol. The "#ifndef" tells the compiler to only include the code if the symbol hasn't already been defined.