Marking Scheme for the 2019 Midterm Test ======================================== Q1: 2 pts for writing down the fact Delta_{-} = I - exp(-hD). 1 pt for Taylor expansion of exp(-hD) until O(h^4). 2 pts for correctly expanding Delta_{-}^s = [hD - (hD)^2/2! + (hD)^3/3! + O(h^4)]^s and getting the correct C_s. Q2: (a) 3 pts for the correct A and 2 pts for the correct b. Some students forget to mention A_{i,j} = 0 when | i - j | > 1. In this case, I took off 1 pt. (b) 3 points for pointing out the discretization is second order for f'' and first order for f'. 2 points for making correct conclusion that this is first order of consistency. (c) 1 pts for non-singular conclusion. 4 pts for the correct proof. Some students used Gersgorin circle theorem to show that A does not have a zero eigenvalue, which is correct. However, they didn't show the Gersgorin circles corresponding to the 1st row and last rows. In these two rows, the off-diagonal entries are slightly different. They need to be discussed separately. In this case, I took off 1 pt.