Assignment 2 Marking Scheme and TA Comments 1. Most students did well on Problems 1, 3, 4(b), 4(c) and 5. 2. In Problem 2, 1 pt for sound assumptions, 2 pts for correct expression of entries in matrix, 4 pts for correct proof that the resulting matrix is diagonally dominant (but not strictly diagonally dominant); strictly diagonally dominant is only true in first and last rows, 3 pts for correct use of Gersgorin theorem. The most common mistake is they (incorrectly) proved the matrix is strictly diagonally dominant and said the 0 is not eigenvalue. I took off 3-4 pts for this mistake. 3. In Problem 4(a), students are required to answer three questions: (1) 2 pts for c1 is bounded, (2) 2 pts for c2 is bounded , (3) 1 pt for c1 > 0. Some students said that c1 > 0 because the differential operator is elliptic. But you could have c1 = 0 even if he differential operator is elliptic. More explanation is needed to show that c1 > 0. In this case, I took off 1 pt. Some students accidentally didn't show the c1 is upper bounded, I took off 1 pt. 4. For Bonus question, I divided the 10 pts as: 3 pts for P1, 3 pts for P2 and 4 pts for P3. For each part, if they proved the result by themselves or only referenced the Hungarian paper, I gave them full marks. If some other references were used, half of the marks are given then.