Java Examples

Here are some examples of Java code for you to experiment with.

Some examples of sorting algorithms are in Sort.

Binary and linear Search algorithms examples.

The Java class Gambler uses two-dimensional Vector to implement a dynamic version of Pascal's Triangle.

Java classes Mistakes and TestMistakes are full of errors. Try to eliminate these errors, one-by-one, and keep track of whether the error occurs at run-time or compile time. If you succeed with those, here is a really weird error to think about.

During Week 8 we looked at strategies for testing code, by developing an equals method for class Name after we had already developed test cases and a class, TestName, for automating the tests.

In Week 7 we left Object Oriented code aside and looked at some examples of loops. I have included the loop conditions and postconditions we discussed in class.

In Week 6 Species gets a modified constructor, to allow the specification of maxPopulation and birthRate. With those attributes, a Species can breed and die off following the logistic equation. The EcoSystem now takes a species through a few life cycles.

In Week 5 Species class gains a toString() method, and an equals(Species) method. It also gains a field territory in case we need to distinguish species by territory. EcoSystem is modified appropriately.

In the Week 4 Species class, we add the ability to keep track of how many species have been created. In the EcoSystem class, we have file I/O to and from text files.

Here are the Species and EcoSystem classes from Week 3. Species now has a constructor that sets its name and population when it is created. EcoSystem now uses a BufferedReader to get input from the keyboard.

These are the Species and EcoSystem examples from Week 2. There are new methods to breed, die off, set a species' name, and set a species' population.

These are the Species and EcoSystem examples from Week 1.

Danny Heap
Last modified: Mon Apr 29 14:50:39 EDT 2002