knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

finches <- case0201

Exploratory analysis

The data consists of measurements of the beak depths of 178 finches, some measured before the draught, and some measured after the draught.

This is a bit of an overkill, but let’s see from what years the data is:

qplot(finches$Year, bins=3)

Now, let’s see how the beak depths differ across the years

ggplot(finches, aes(x=Depth)) + 
  geom_histogram(data=subset(finches, Year == 1976), fill = "red", alpha = 0.2) + 
  geom_histogram(data=subset(finches, Year == 1978), fill = "blue", alpha = 0.2)

Box plots and density plots can also be instructive

bwplot(Year ~ Depth, data = finches)

densityplot(~Depth, groups = Year, auto.key = TRUE, data = finches)

Difference of Means: t-test

y1976 <- subset(finches, Year == 1976)$Depth
y1978 <- subset(finches, Year == 1978)$Depth
t.test(y1976, y1978, var.equal = F )
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  y1976 and y1978
## t = -4.5833, df = 172.98, p-value = 8.739e-06
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.9564436 -0.3806350
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  9.469663 10.138202
finch_model_stan <- "
  int<lower=0> N1; //number of points in example 1
  int<lower=0> N2; //number of points in example 2
  real sample1[N1]; 
  real sample2[N2]; 

  real mu1;
  real mu2;
  real<lower=0> sigma1;
  real<lower=0> sigma2;

  sample1 ~ normal(mu1, sigma1);
  sample2 ~ normal(mu2, sigma2);

adaptSteps = 1000            # Number of steps to "tune" the samplers.
burnInSteps = 5000           # Number of steps to "burn-in" the samplers.
nChains = 3                  # Number of chains to run.
numSavedSteps=12000          # Total number of steps in chains to save.
thinSteps=10                 # Number of steps to "thin" (1=keep every step).

finch_model <- stan_model(model_code = finch_model_stan, model_name = "finch_model")
finch_fit <- sampling(object=finch_model,
                      data = list(sample1=y1976, sample2=y1978,N1=length(y1976),N2=length(y1978)),
                      chains = nChains ,
                      iter = ( ceiling(numSavedSteps/nChains)*thinSteps
                              +burnInSteps ) , 
                      warmup = burnInSteps , 
                      thin = thinSteps ,
                      init = "random" ) 
## SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'finch_model' NOW (CHAIN 1).
## Chain 1: 
## Chain 1: Gradient evaluation took 1.5e-05 seconds
## Chain 1: 1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take 0.15 seconds.
## Chain 1: Adjust your expectations accordingly!
## Chain 1: 
## Chain 1: 
## Chain 1: Iteration:     1 / 45000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
## Chain 1: Iteration:  4500 / 45000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
## Chain 1: Iteration:  5001 / 45000 [ 11%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 1: Iteration:  9500 / 45000 [ 21%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 1: Iteration: 14000 / 45000 [ 31%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 1: Iteration: 18500 / 45000 [ 41%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 1: Iteration: 23000 / 45000 [ 51%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 1: Iteration: 27500 / 45000 [ 61%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 1: Iteration: 32000 / 45000 [ 71%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 1: Iteration: 36500 / 45000 [ 81%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 1: Iteration: 41000 / 45000 [ 91%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 1: Iteration: 45000 / 45000 [100%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 1: 
## Chain 1:  Elapsed Time: 0.097298 seconds (Warm-up)
## Chain 1:                3.31313 seconds (Sampling)
## Chain 1:                3.41043 seconds (Total)
## Chain 1: 
## SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'finch_model' NOW (CHAIN 2).
## Chain 2: 
## Chain 2: Gradient evaluation took 7e-06 seconds
## Chain 2: 1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take 0.07 seconds.
## Chain 2: Adjust your expectations accordingly!
## Chain 2: 
## Chain 2: 
## Chain 2: Iteration:     1 / 45000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
## Chain 2: Iteration:  4500 / 45000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
## Chain 2: Iteration:  5001 / 45000 [ 11%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 2: Iteration:  9500 / 45000 [ 21%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 2: Iteration: 14000 / 45000 [ 31%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 2: Iteration: 18500 / 45000 [ 41%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 2: Iteration: 23000 / 45000 [ 51%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 2: Iteration: 27500 / 45000 [ 61%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 2: Iteration: 32000 / 45000 [ 71%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 2: Iteration: 36500 / 45000 [ 81%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 2: Iteration: 41000 / 45000 [ 91%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 2: Iteration: 45000 / 45000 [100%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 2: 
## Chain 2:  Elapsed Time: 0.112358 seconds (Warm-up)
## Chain 2:                0.898386 seconds (Sampling)
## Chain 2:                1.01074 seconds (Total)
## Chain 2: 
## SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'finch_model' NOW (CHAIN 3).
## Chain 3: 
## Chain 3: Gradient evaluation took 4e-06 seconds
## Chain 3: 1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take 0.04 seconds.
## Chain 3: Adjust your expectations accordingly!
## Chain 3: 
## Chain 3: 
## Chain 3: Iteration:     1 / 45000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
## Chain 3: Iteration:  4500 / 45000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
## Chain 3: Iteration:  5001 / 45000 [ 11%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 3: Iteration:  9500 / 45000 [ 21%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 3: Iteration: 14000 / 45000 [ 31%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 3: Iteration: 18500 / 45000 [ 41%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 3: Iteration: 23000 / 45000 [ 51%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 3: Iteration: 27500 / 45000 [ 61%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 3: Iteration: 32000 / 45000 [ 71%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 3: Iteration: 36500 / 45000 [ 81%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 3: Iteration: 41000 / 45000 [ 91%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 3: Iteration: 45000 / 45000 [100%]  (Sampling)
## Chain 3: 
## Chain 3:  Elapsed Time: 0.08641 seconds (Warm-up)
## Chain 3:                0.714046 seconds (Sampling)
## Chain 3:                0.800456 seconds (Total)
## Chain 3:
samples <- extract(finch_fit)

Let’s look at the posterior distribution for mu1


(Are the variances equal?)


So what about the means?


mean(samples$mu1-samples$mu2 >= 0)
## [1] 0