Problem 3

titanic <- read.csv("")

Learning goals

False Positive Parity

get.FPR <- function(fit, data){
  dat.neg <- data %>% filter(Survived == 0)
  pred <- predict(fit, newdata = dat.neg, type = "response") > 0.5
  mean(pred == 1)

fit <- glm(Survived ~ Sex + Age + Pclass, family = binomial, data = titanic)
FPR.m <- get.FPR(fit, titanic %>% filter(Sex == "male"))
FPR.f <- get.FPR(fit, titanic %>% filter(Sex == "female"))
data.frame(FPR.m = FPR.m, FPR.f = FPR.f)
##        FPR.m     FPR.f
## 1 0.03448276 0.8148148

The false positive rates vary quite dramatically between female and male passengers. There is no false positive parity.


get.PPV <- function(fit, data){
  data$pred <- predict(fit, newdata = data, type = "response") > 0.5
  data.predpos <- data %>% filter(pred == 1)
  mean(data.predpos$Survived == 1)

get.NPV <- function(fit, data){
  data$pred <- predict(fit, newdata = data, type = "response") > 0.5
  data.predneg <- data %>% filter(pred == 0)
  mean(data.predneg$Survived == 0)

fit <- glm(Survived ~ Sex + Age + Pclass, family = binomial, data = titanic)
PPV.m <- get.PPV(fit, titanic %>% filter(Sex == "male"))
PPV.f <- get.PPV(fit, titanic %>% filter(Sex == "female"))
NPV.m <- get.NPV(fit, titanic %>% filter(Sex == "male"))
NPV.f <- get.NPV(fit, titanic %>% filter(Sex == "female"))
data.frame(sex = c("m", "f"), PPV = c(PPV.m, PPV.f), NPV = c(NPV.m, NPV.f))
##   sex       PPV      NPV
## 1   m 0.4666667 0.825046
## 2   f 0.7755102 0.750000

Calibration is also not satisfied.

Extra material

We can try to see whether calibration is approximately satisfied by looking at the “decile scores” that we can obtain for the Titanic data:

fit <- glm(Survived ~ Sex + Age + Pclass, family = binomial, data = titanic)
titanic$decile <- round(predict(fit, newdata = titanic, type = "response")*10)

titanic.surv <- titanic %>% group_by(decile, Sex) %>% 
                            summarize(Surv.Rate = mean(Survived), Surv.Total = sum(Survived), n = n()) %>%
                            rowwise() %>% 
                            mutate(surv.min = binom.test(Surv.Total, n, p = Surv.Rate)$[1],
                                   surv.max = binom.test(Surv.Total, n, p = Surv.Rate)$[2]) %>% 
                            ungroup() %>% 
                            group_by(decile) %>% 
                            filter(n() > 1)

ggplot(titanic.surv, mapping = aes(x = decile, y = Surv.Rate, fill = Sex)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
  geom_errorbar(mapping = aes(ymin = surv.min, ymax = surv.max), position = "dodge") + 
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0:10))

We’d expect equal survival probabilities for the same deciles if there is calibration. As you can see, that is not exactly the case; furthermore, there are no male passangers at all in the top three deciles.

We can try again, without including sex as a predictor:

fit <- glm(Survived ~ Sex + Age + Pclass, family = binomial, data = titanic)
titanic$decile <- round(predict(fit, newdata = titanic, type = "response")*10)

titanic.surv <- titanic %>% group_by(decile, Sex) %>% 
                            summarize(Surv.Rate = mean(Survived), Surv.Total = sum(Survived), n = n()) %>%
                            rowwise() %>% 
                            mutate(surv.min = binom.test(Surv.Total, n, p = Surv.Rate)$[1],
                                   surv.max = binom.test(Surv.Total, n, p = Surv.Rate)$[2]) %>% 
                            ungroup() %>% 
                            group_by(decile) %>% 
                            filter(n() > 1)

ggplot(titanic.surv, mapping = aes(x = decile, y = Surv.Rate, fill = Sex)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
  geom_errorbar(mapping = aes(ymin = surv.min, ymax = surv.max), position = "dodge") + 
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0:10))

We can’t reject the idea that there is calibration here as well. But since sex is a predictor of survival, we’d expect that there would be no calibration.