Gary Song

A regular UofT student

Brief Bio

I am currently an undergraduate student studying at the University of Toronto. My current interests lie in finding free food on campus, complaining about Toronto weather, and procrasnating with novel activities. Highlights of my previous work involved optimizing McDonald's Egg McMuffin's making process. By adapting the 2-egg cracking mechanism from youtube tutorials, I was able to increase the production speed by a factor of 1.2.

Other accompishments include being able to take a shower and brush my teeth at the same time.

  • Higher-order Cracking Mechanisms: A two-handed Approach

  • Topologically Preserving Dated Sandwitches

  • A Learning Framework for Just-in-time Fries

  • 3D Object Proposals for Accurate Patty Overlay

  • Teaching
  • Two-handed Approach for Novel Egg Cracking
  • Optimzing Wrapping Time by Reducing Pixel Overlay