UCP-Networks: A Directed Graphical Representation of Conditional Utilities

Craig Boutilier
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON M5S 3H5
email: cebly@cs.toronto.edu

Fahiem Bacchus
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON M5S 3H5
email: fbacchus@cs.toronto.edu

Ronen I. Brafman
Department of Math and Computer Science
Ben-Gurion University
Beer Sheva, ISRAEL 84105
email: brafman@cs.bgu.ac.il

We propose a directed graphical representation of utility functions, called UCP-networks, that combines aspects of two existing preference models: generalized additive models and CP-networks. The network decomposes a utility function into a number of additive factors, with the directionality of the arcs reflecting conditional dependence in the underlying (qualitative) preference ordering under a ceteris paribus interpretation. The CP-semantics ensures that computing optimization and dominance queries is very efficient. We also demonstrate the value of this representation in decision making. Finally, we describe an interactive elicitation procedure that takes advantage of the linear nature of the constraints on "tradeoff weights" imposed by a UCP-network.

To appear, UAI-01

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