Image of Me (& Meow)

Hi! Welcome to my webpage! Note that all links here redirect to my personal webpage on the UTORweb, as I host only the front page on the UofT CSLab servers.

I am an undergraduate at the University of Toronto, studying computer science and mathematics, plus dabbling in a bit of physics occassionally.

While I have approximate knowledge of a few things, like how to cut cake, I am greatly interested by theoretical computer science (algorithm design and complexity theory), quantum computing (simulations and QML) and related areas of mathematics.

I am always eager to learn more! In my free time, I like to play chess (do check out my opening study!) or shogi, or spend time reading books or watching anime (sorry, I meant learning languages🐱).

Feel free to reach out to me to discuss anything from cool math problems to cute cat videos to any project ideas to work on together!

While I do not know your reasons for visiting my obscure corner of the internet, feel free to check out some of the following pages too:

Arkaprava Choudhury

arka at cs dot toronto dot edu

Undergrad, Department of Comp Sci
University of Toronto
10 King's College Street

Website template by Vasilios Mavroudis
Favicon by °Music°