Terms of Use

By downloading the Creative Flow+ Datset (the "Dataset") you (the "User") agree to abide by the following terms and conditions. In order to obtain download links you must explicitly accept this agreement, and you may not share these links with another entity who has not explicitly accepted the agreement. Note that sequence lists available from the Download Page clearly indicate each sequence's source as "shapenet", "web", or "mixamo". We will refer to these subsets of the Dataset below.

  1. In exchange for being able to use the shapenet components of the Dataset, the User hereby agrees to the ShapeNet terms and conditions, outlined here: www.shapenet.org/terms. Note that the shapenet components are present in both test and train sets.
  2. User will only use the Dataset as governed by the the License Agreement detailed below.
  3. The University of Toronto makes no representations or warranties regarding the Dataset, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose.
  4. User accepts full responsibility for his or her use of the Dataset and shall defend and indemnify University of Toronto, including its employees, Trustees, officers and agents, against any and all claims arising from User's use of the Dataset, including but not limited to User's use of copyrighted materials.

License Agreement

We have made every effort to make the Dataset as openly available as possible, but the raw assets used to construct the Dataset put limitations on the ways it can be used. By default, all the data is licensed according to the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/), unless 1) specified otherwise below, or 2) data's own directory or any ancestor directory contains its own LICENSE file. In the case (2) above, the data is governed by the LICENSE file closest to it in the directory hierarchy.

Because compressed data has multiple mp4 files in the same subdirectories, the compressed LICENSE.txt files may have a prefix matching the associated filename. For example, if the same subdirectory has files named "style.flat.pen5.mp4" and "style.flat.pen5_LICENSE.txt", then "style.flat.pen5_LICENSE.txt" only applies to the "style.flat.pen5.mp4" file.

ShapeNet data

All of the sequences with source designated as "shapenet" may only be used for non-commercial or educational purposes and in accordance with the ShapeNet terms of use, detailed here: www.shapenet.org/terms. Each "shapenet" sequence is provided with a LICENSE.txt file reiterating the above conditions. Note that nested LICENSE files impose additional restrictions on the renders that use background images (see below).

Mixamo data

All of the sequences with source designated as "mixamo" are distributed under our default Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication, with the exception of renders that use background images. Those renders include nested LICENSE files specifying additional restrictions (see below).

Web data

Some sequences with source designated as "web" have their own LICENSE.txt file, if the source 3D models require it. If no LICENSE file is provided, then our default Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication can be assumed. Note that nested LICENSE files impose additional restrictions on the renders that use background images (see below).

Background Images

Composited renders with "blender" styles use artistic images from the BAM dataset as backgrounds. These renderings are accompanied by LICENSE.txt files that impose additional restrictions. If you include these images in your publication/website, make sure to credit the author of the background. Note that some backgrounds require non-commercial only use. Refer to the individual LICENSE files. Note that in case you wish to composite renderings with your own backgrounds, we provide raw shading and outline files.