WebSocket Demos

Download ws.zip for all code that we developed in class. Unzip it in your web space, replace the port numbers to be your assigned port number, then it should work without needing to install anything.

  1. Simple echo server: echoServerSimple.js
  2. Simple boardcast server: echoServerBroadcast.js
  3. Simple chat client: echoClient.html. With the echo server, this is a chat application where the user talks to themselves. With the broadcast server, this is a real chat application. We tried inserting a YouTube video to show that WebSocket works better than the polling way that did before.
  4. The canvas drawing client using the same broadcast server: draw.html. We started with a version where everyone draw in the same colour, then we modified it to that each client has its own colour. The catch was that the colour info need to be included in the message sent to the server.