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CSC 408H1F/2105H1F: Software Engineering
Fall 2004/2005 Session

Mid Term Test requirements

Book Coverage: Chapters 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,13

Here are the requirements:

Time: October 28, 19:00-20:30 after a tutorial on "Software Measurements"
   The tutorial will not cover the exam issues.
Room: SF1101
Seats: leave one space between any two persons. 
Information: You must write down your name and student number on EVERY page you submit.
      On the first page, please write down your team number.
Misc: Bring your own pen or pencil. We will provide enough blank papers.
Here are the specifications on the Mid Term Test paper:
5 questions on 1 page. 100 marks total. 90 minutes total.  Open Book and Notes.  
Answer ALL 5 questions. If you need to make any assumptions to answer a
question, state those assumptions clearly in your answer book. 
New: the mid term test questions. New: the mid term marking scheme.