Please make sure the followings before you deploy or update your web services at the CDF (seawolf) machine: * Suppose you belong to the c408hxxx group, where xxx = 001, 002, etc * Whenever the is down, let me or our TAs know so that we can redeploy the web services. 1) copy your deploy.wsdd and undeploy.wsdd to the following directory /u/yijun/axis/c408hxxx cp *.wsdd /u/yijun/axis/c408hxxx if your deploy.wsdd has .... copy your classes into the following directory cp -R package_name /u/yijun/deployed/package_name/ * It is recommended to use your group id as the root package id such as c408hxxx. 2) RECURSIVELY change the group permissions of your class files at /u/yijun/deployed/c408hxxx to c408hxxx:
	chgrp -R c408hxxx /u/yijun/deployed/c408hxxx
and also the file permissions to 775
	chmod -R 775 /u/yijun/axis/c408hxxx
* This is vital since we DO NOT have access to your files if they are group cstudent or gstudent. 3) run the script to deploy or to undeploy:
	cd /u/yijun/axis/c408hxxx