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CSC 408H1F/2105H1F: Software Engineering
Fall 2004/2005 Session


  1. For setting up Tomcat, see the Tomcat HowTo
  2. The Axis 1.1 is installed at:
    cd ~/software/axis-1_1
    Now a web serivce can be deployed, for example
    After running this command, two example web services StockQuote and StockInfo are deployed. The deployment script is
    	cat samples/stock/deploy.wsdd
    You can deploy the web serive to a TOMCAT server, see the option:
  3. After deployment, you can call the webservice through
    The feedback is
    IBM: Armonk, NY
  4. To undeploy the web service, type
  5. You can test your web service locally, using the SimpleAxisServer:
  6. After your own web service is developed, it can be deployed under the following directory:
    where xx is your group number.
  7. The documentation of your web service should be put under the following directory:


Web Services - Axis