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CSC 408H1F/2105H1F: Software Engineering
Fall 2004/2005 Session


Under construction...
  1. Note each team should do the following just once! Configure your apache server by modifying the file under your own directory:
    cp $HOME/software/conf/httpd.conf $HOME
    In order to avoid conflicting with other team's work, edit the file $HOME/httpd.conf, change the port number to the 8080 + 2 * team_number . For example, if you are from team 20, your port number will be 8080 + 2 * 20 = 8120.
  2. Look for "8080" and replace the line with:
    Listen seawolf.cdf.toronto.edu:8120
    Next, run the following command:
    /usr/local/packages/apache-2.0/bin/httpd -f $HOME/httpd.conf
    You Apache web server will be up and running. Try the following URLs:
    The first one is the apache server, the second one is the axis-c server and the third one is the WSDL for a calculator service.


The Apache Software Foundation