CSC 265 Fall 2013

Tutorial Notes Home Course Webpage

Tutorial 7: Union-find

31 Oct 2013

In class today we discussed the path-compression implementation of the Union-Find data structure. The goal was to prove a theorem about average runtime, here where the runtime is averaged over all the calls involved. We wanted to prove the following theorem

It $T(m,n)$ is the worst-case time for at most $m$ Union or find operations over a universe of $n$ elements, then \[ T(m,n) = O( (m+n)\alpha(n)) \]

where $\alpha(n)$ denotes the inverse Ackermann function

We followed Jeff Erickson's notes on the subject, available as a pdf here

While we didn't make it the whole way through the notes, we did discuss

I hope this discussion orients you in Jeff's Notes on the subject.