(January 25, 2018, 9:30am) Presentation schedule has been posted below under "Projects".

(January 25, 2018, 9:30am) For next week's class, please read the three articles listed inder "Readings" on the website.

(January 22, 2018, 12:00pm) Reminder that Progress Report due this week, January 24, 2:10pm via e-submission.

(January 22, 2018, 12:00pm) Reminder that Lab #3 due this week, January 24, 2:10pm via e-submission.

(January 22, 2018, 12:00pm) Assignment #7 posted -- due next week, January 31, 2:10pm via e-submission.

(January 22, 2018, 12:00pm) Lab #4 posted -- due February 14, 2:10pm via e-submission.

(January 16, 2018, 12:00pm) Assignment #6 due tomorrow, January 17, 2:10pm via e-submission.

(January 16, 2018, 12:00pm) Lab #3 will be due January 24, 2:10pm, via e-submission.

(January 16, 2018, 12:00pm) Progress report due January 24, 2:10pm, via e-submission.

(January 16, 2018, 12:00pm) Normal office hours today.

(January 10, 2018, 12:30pm) Assignment #6 posted, due January 17, 2:10pm via e-submission.

(January 10, 2018, 12:30pm) Progress report due January 24, 2:10pm, via e-submission.

(January 10, 2018, 12:30pm) Lab #3 will be due January 24, 2:10pm, via e-submission.

(January 10, 2018, 12:30pm) Lab #4 now posted, due February 14, 2:10pm, via e-submission.

(January 8, 2018, 4:30pm) Note that my office hours tomorrow (January 9) will run only for one hour (1-2pm) instead of the normal 2 hours (1-3pm) due to another meeting. If you need to meet with me but cannot come from 1-2, please send me emailemail me and we'll arrange an alternative meeting day/time.

(January 7, 2018, 12:30am) Thanks to the heroic efforts of David Szeto (your TA) and Arcady Genkin (Systems Programmer/Administrator for the department's Teaching Labs), we've resolved the Lab #3 problem. You should be able to now run the lab as directed (although the file types of the videos may have changed in some cases). The new due date will be January 24, 2:10pm, via e-submission.

(December 21, 2017, 2:30pm) Several students have experienced problems running Laboratory #3. Upon investigations, we have discovered that this is due to a recent software system upgrade on the teaching labs machines. The teaching labs system administrators are working with the TA to fix the problem. That means that Laboratory #3 will not be due January 10, as originally posted. Once we've been able to fix the problem, I'll post a new deadline that gives the students sufficient time to finish the lab. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

(December 5, 2017, 2:30pm) Laboratory #3 now posted, due January 10, 2018, at 2:10pm via e-submission.

(December 4, 2017, 2:30pm) Just a reminder that Assignment #5 is due this week (December 6), at 2:10pm, via e-submission.

(November 28, 2017, 2:30pm) Just a reminder that your project proposal is due tomorrow at 2:10pm, via e-submission.

Assignment #5 is due next week, Dec 6, at 2:10pm, via e-submission.

(November 21, 2017, 1:30pm) Just a reminder that your project proposal is due one week from tomorrow, via e-submission.

And a reminder that you should read the two assigned readings (see Nov 15 readings under Readings link below) for tomorrow, in preparation for our ethics discussion in class.

Assignment #5 is posted, and is due Dec 6, at 2:10pm, via e-submission.

(November 15, 2017, 10:30am) Just a reminder that Assignment #4 is due today at 2:10pm, via e-submission.

Project Proposal is due Nov 29 (two weeks from this Wed) via e-submission. See handout under Projects link below.

Please read two assigned readings (see Nov 15 readings under Readings link below) for next week, in preparation for our ethics discussion.

(November 13, 2017, 2:00pm) Just a reminder that Assignment #4 is due this Wed (Nov 15) at 2:10pm, via e-submission.

Also note that your Project Proposal is due Nov 29 (two weeks from this Wed) via e-submission.

(November 7, 2017, 2:30pm) Just a reminder that Lab #2 is due tomorrow (Wed) at 2:10pm, via e-submission.

Reminder that Assignment #4 is due Nov 15, 2:10pm, via e-submission.

Reminder that on Nov 15, we have our visitors from a local computer vision startup company talking about their technology in class.

(October 29, 2017, 6:00pm) Since I was away for the last lecture, I was not able to remind you of the Laboratory #2 assignment, which was supposed to be due this coming Wednesday, Nov 1. Moreover, since I am returning from an overseas conference on Tuesday night, I won't be available to help people if they need help on the lab. Therefore, I have decided to give the class a one-week extension on Lab #2, which is now due at 2:10pm, Nov 8, via e-submission.

(October 17, 2017, 10:30am) Your Assignment #3 is due tomorrow at 2:10pm via e-submission.

(October 11, 2017, 9:00am) Your Lab #1 assignment is due today at 2:10pm via e-submission.

(September 30 2017, 3:00pm) Your Lab #1 assignmengt is due in less than two weeks. Please log into a teaching labs machine ASAP and make sure you can run the program (following the guide that's provided for you)! If you have any problems, I'll be holding regular office hours this week. Please stop by!

(September 27 2017, 6:00pm) Your Lab #1 assignmengt is due in two weeks. Please log into a teaching labs machine ASAP and make sure you can run the program (following the guide that's provided for you)!

Don't forget to include your name on your assignment hand-in.

(September 19 2017, 4:30pm) I heard back from the teaching labs. They say your accounts were created on Sept 14th. Your login is your UTORid. If you had a new account created, your password would be your student number. You can activate (set the password) your account using:


For new accounts, email was sent to you when the account was created (Sep 14), with info on your login and password. The email had the Subject line as "Subject: Your new Computer Science Teaching labs account".

Please try and e-submit your assignment #1 (see link on this page to electronic submission). However, if you have problems, you're welcome to email your assignment (as an attachment) directly to me -- remember that it's due before 2:10pm on Wednesday, either e-submitted or emailed to me.

If you're still having login problems, please send email to: admin@teach.cs.utoronto.ca

(September 18 2017, 2:30pm) It looks like you won't be able to e-submit your Assignment #1 without first having a username and password on the teaching labs. Given that I'm not sure when these will be made available to you, you're also welcome to email your assignment (as an attachment) directly to me -- remember that it's due before 2:10pm on Wednesday, either e-submitted (if the system works by then) or emailed to me.

(September 13 2017, 5:30pm) There is a change in my office hours. Instead of Tuesdays, 2-4pm, they will be Tuesdays, 1-3pm. The change has been reflected in an updated course information sheet (link below) as well as the lecture slides (link below).

The office hours for Tuesday, Sept 19, have been cancelled due to a prior engagement. If you need to see me (remember that your first assignment is due on Wednesday, Sept 20), then please send me an email to arrange a time to meet, if we can't resolve your question(s) by email.

(September 12 2017, 3:20pm) Just a reminder that our first class is tomorrow (Wed), 2-4pm, in Bahen B025. See you there!

(August 23 2017, 4:00pm) The classroom for the course has been tentatively changed to Bahen (BA) B025 (in the basement), for the Fall and University College (UC) 65 for the winter. I'll let you know if this changes.

(August 23 2017, 4:00pm) Another updated course information sheet has been posted (see link below).

(August 21 2017, 2:00pm) An updated course information sheet has been posted (see link below).

(August 7, 2017, 2:00pm) I'm in the process of updating the course information sheet for this year (2017-2018). The course will be very similar to last year's and I expect that the only significant changes will be to the schedule.