University of Toronto - Winter 2007
Department of Computer Science

CSC 324 : Principles of Programming Languages

Assignment 4
ML Coding Guidelines

ML coding guidelines

  1. Using pattern matching

    The use of pattern matching whenever possible is considered good style. For example, rather than defining

    fun sum L = if null L then 0 else hd L + sum (tl L);

    it is better to define

    fun sum [] = 0
    |   sum (h::t) = h + sum t;

    Make sure that your functions exhaust all possible patterns. If you get a warning "Warning: match nonexhaustive", this is a bad sign: marks will be deducted.


    Each function you write, including all helper functions, should have a concise and clear description of the function, the argument, preconditions, postconditions, and return value, and last but not least the type of the function. Type information shound not be included in the function preconditions. The type of each function should be provided in a separate statement in the function's head comment. Any preconditions not related to types, such as specific assumptions you are making about the form of a function's inputs, should be listed in the preconditions.

  3. Indentation

    We should be able to tell the structure of your function simply by looking at it. I.e. it should be very clear what is a function call, what is the argument to a function, what is the condition in the if statement, and what is the consequent.

  4. Efficiency

    You do not have to go out of your way to optimize your algorithms. However, your code should be reasonable. You should not be evaluating the same thing multiple times, for example. You should not traverse lists unnecessarily. You should not create superfluous variables or bind variables unnecessarily.

  5. Style

    Your code should be nice. Of course, it is difficult to say what "nice code" is. Use your judgement.

    if condition then do A
    else do A

    is not a "nice" piece of code.

    if x >= 0 do A
    if x < 0 do B
    else do C

    is not a "nice" piece of code either.

    It should be clear to the reader that your code does not work by some magic simply because you tried 10000 different versions and one of them finally worked. It should be clear that you know what you are doing.

    Your should pick informative names for your helper functions, as well as for all arguments.

    For multiline comments the following is considered good style:

    (* comments
     * comments
     * comments
     * comments
     * comments
     * comments *)

General coding guidelines

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