CSC486/2502: Programming directions for Assignment #1

Platforms to be used

Your final code must run on either the CDF or CSLab machines. If you download software, beware of differences in versions and leave yourself enough time to test your final code on one of these machines.

The preferred programming languages for the course, and specifically for this assignment are as follows:
  1. Prolog: your program has to run under SWI-Prolog is available for Linux and Windows at together with full documentation. You can run SWI Prolog in CDF (execute pl) and CSLAB (execute /pkgs/pl-5.6.17/bin/pl on a linux machine).
  2. Scheme: your program has to run under MIT Scheme. You can download a copy from for Linux or Windows. MIT Scheme is installed in both CS and CDF. Just type scheme to run it.
The reason for using Scheme or Prolog is that they are natural programming languages for the kind of problems we will be dealing with. Programming in another language will require a lot more work on your behalf. % With this caveat, you can still use Java or C as long as your program compiles and runs on CDF or CSLab machines. In the documentation, you must specify whether your program runs in CDF or CSLab and clearly state the exact command used to compile your source files.

Input Format

Question 4 requires you to write a satisfiability procedure for propositional clauses using the tableau method. Here, we will discuss a uniform way of representing the input of your program. You must use this representation.

We represent literals as follows:
  1. Positive literals will be represented with positive integers. In this way, instead of literals p and q, we will refer to literals 2 and 5;
  2. Negative literals are represented with negative integers. In this way, instead of literals ¬p and ¬q, we will refer to literals -2 and -5.
We represent a clause as follows: Finally, a set of propositional clauses in a file will be represented as a sequence of clauses representations as described. The sequence will finish with a list containing a single element ``end'' meaning there are no more clauses. In particular, in the Prolog representation each clause will be followed by a dot '.' symbol stating the end of the clause. The following are examples of input files in lisp and prolog formats.

Lisp representation:

(1 -2)
(2 -8)
(-5 -4 3)
(4 -2 -6)
(-8 -7 6 -10)
(6 -10)

Prolog representation:


What your program should provide

If you use Prolog or Scheme we provide sample files ( and respectively) which already have the code necessary for reading a set of clauses from a file. These two files define a top-level procedure called tabSat whose only argument is the name of a file containing a set of clauses. Procedure tabSat reads the clauses in the file and calls solve_tab_sat while passing the corresponding set of clauses as a list of clauses. It is this procedure solve_tab_sat that you have to implement by modifying the sample file. solve_tab_sat takes a list of clauses in the corresponding form and prints `YES' if such clauses are satisfiable, or `NO' otherwise. Notice that you do not need to program by yourself the top-level predicate tabSat as it is already implemented. Given a file containing a set of clauses, you should be able to test your Scheme program as follows: (tabSat "<filename>")}. Similarly, in Prolog the command will look as follows: tabSat(<filename>). Notice also that you will have to write extra code to perform your statistical experiments so as to support or refute the easy-hard-easy pattern for the tableau method. Such code will include a procedure for generating random sets of clauses and it will use procedure solve_tab_sat to test the satisfiability of those sets. Finally, if you are using Java or C, your program itself should be named tabSat and it should take as its only argument the name of the file where it should read the set of clauses. As there is no sample file provided for these programming languages, you are responsible for programming both the task of reading the clauses from a file as well as solving the satisfiability problem. A call to your program should have the following form: tabSat <filename>.

Submitting your assignment

You should submit an electronic copy of your code to jabaier /AT/ cs /DOT/ as an attachment file. You should submit a printed copy of your experimental results and your program with the rest of your paper assignment. Note that code received after the due date will count as a late assignment. Recall that your program documentation should include the exact command used for compiling/running your program. It should also indicate which machine (CSLab or CDF) your code runs on. No matter what platform you choose, remember that your program has to run error-free in CDF or CSLab. So, if you worked elsewhere, we recommend you test your program on either of these machines well before the due date of the assignment.
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