Assignment #2 – Recursion and Backtracking

Due June 20, 2008 1pm

Part 1 - Reversing the ordering of a Binary Search Tree (10%)

(Although the necessary details for this problem are given in the statement below, we will cover Binary Search Trees in more detail in Lecture 5. You may find reading section 5.6 in the text informative, or you may be more comfortable postponing working on this problem until after lecture 5.)

A Binary Search Tree (BST) is a binary tree in which
For example, consider the following tree:


This is a BST because it satisfies the given properties. If you try doing an inorder traversal of a binary search tree, the order in which nodes are visited are the ascending order of the node's labels. In the example tree above, the in order traversal would visit nodes in the following order:


Your goal is to "reverse" a binary search tree recursively so that each node label is
An inorder traversal of a "reversed" BST will now visit nodes in the reverse order of the way they were visited in the original tree -- that is, in descending order of the node labels.

Your recursive procedure must ensure that if a node is at level k in the original tree, it remains at level k in the new tree. Hence, you have to be careful about how your reverse procedure works.


The tree that you'll be reversing will be represented using the "nodes and references" representation we discussed in class. Download the file It contains a definition of the BSTNode class. It also contains an empty definition for the function reverse(root), which takes the root node of the tree to be reversed as a parameter. You have to fill in the details of this function. Note that reverse() does not return a new tree. It simply reverses the tree "in place", so that when the function is done, the tree pointed at by root contains the reversed tree.

You can download which gives you a couple of examples of how we expect your code to work.

Marking & What to Submit

Correctness 100%

The correctness is based on auto-testing, and proper use of recursion. (You cannot submit an iterative algorithm.) The only file that you should submit is Do not make any changes to the definition of the BSTNode class, or the definition of the reverse() function header. You are free to add code to the reverse() function, and add any helper functions or any other code that you feel that you need.

Although you do not need to submit any nose unit tests, you should test your code carefully to make sure it works.

Part 2 - Grid Generated Mathematical Expressions (90%)

Introduction to Backtracking

In general, a recursive function or method is one that makes a call to itself. In class, the recursive algorithms that we saw were generally structured as follows:

This approach works well for problems whose solutions can be expressed in terms of solutions to smaller subproblems. For example, a recursive algorithm for calculating n! (n factorial) easily follows from the fact that n! = n*(n-1)! when n>0 and n! = 1 when n=0.

Recursion is also typically used by algorithms that employ backtracking. We introduce the idea of backtracking and what it's about by way of an example.

Consider the following problem. You are at the entrance to a large maze that you need to find your way through. Initially, there's two directions you can travel in the maze: either left or right. If you choose to go right, then the subproblem you have to solve is how to find your way out of the maze having gone right in the initial step; if you choose to go left, then the subproblem you have to solve is how to find your way out of the maze having gone left in the initial step. At each junction in the maze you have to choose some direction to go. After making a choice at each junction, you have a smaller subproblem  to solve: how to get out of the maze having made the choices you've made thus far. But there's a catch. What if you made a choice that leads you to a dead end? That is, you may end up trying to solve a "subproblem" that has no solution. If you're lucky, this won't happen and each choice you make will get you closer to the maze's exit. If you're unlucky, then you'll have to return to a junction point that you previously visited and make a different choice for which direction to go. In other words, you will have to backtrack.

How can recursion be used to do this backtracking? Lets define a function mazeSolve(path) that returns True or False whether there exists a way out of the maze using the sequence of choices that's been made thus far (stored in path). It will be invoked as follows

path = []
is_solvable = mazeSolve(path)

If there is a way out of the maze, then is_solvable will be assigned True, and the sequence of choices required will be contained in path.

We now provide a very high-level implementation of the mazeSolve function.

def mazeSolve(path):

There are a lot of details omitted from the above description, but it should give you an idea of how recursion can be used to do backtracking. In particular, each recursive call to mazeSolve advances to the next junction in the maze, and whenever a call to mazeSolve returns, it backtracks to an earlier position in the maze.

In the context of the maze problem and the description we gave above, the term 'backtracking' has a taken on a very specific meaning: you are physically backtracking to a previous position in the maze because an earlier choice you made led you to a dead end. More generally, backtracking is a technique  for systematically exploring the set of all possible solutions to a problem.

In the maze problem, for example, the set of all possible solutions is the set of all sequences of choices that can be made at junctions. mazeSolve explores this set systematically until it hits upon a correct solution.  Even though mazeSolve stops after finding one correct solution, there may be other ways through the maze. One can modify the technique given in mazeSolve to find all possible ways through the maze. Think about how you might do this and what changes you would need to make. You will need to do something similar in one part of the problem explained below.

The Problem – Grid Generated Expressions

With that introduction out of the way, we are now ready to describe the main problem that you'll be working on in this assignment.

You are given an n x n grid of integers. For example, consider the following grid  (where n = 3):


Pick a starting position in the grid. From this position in the grid, you can move to any adjacent square. That is, you can move up, down, left, right, diagonally up and left, diagonally up and right, diagonally down and left, and diagonally down and right (assuming, of course, this doesn't move you off the grid). The grid does not "wrap around". (For example moving left when there's no grid position to the left does not put you in a cell at the rightmost side of the grid.) After moving to some square, you can keep moving to adjacent squares as long as you don't revisit a square at which you were previously.  You can stop moving at any point you wish (there is no requirement that you vist every grid position). In this manner, a path through the grid can be traced out.

Based on the path that you traced out, a mathematical expression involving only + and - is written by making the sequence of operands in the expression the same as the sequence of numbers in the grid positions visited, and by choosing + or - as the operator between each operand. An expression that can be created in this manner with a grid G is said to be a G-generated expression.

For example, “9+10+6” is a G-generated expression (where G is the grid above).  To see why, trace the path that starts at position (0,0) , moving right until the last column in reached. The sequence of numbers in the visited grid positions is (9,10,6). We use this sequence of numbers as the sequence of operands in our expression, and place the + operator between each operand. The expression “2+6+1” is not G-generated since there is no way of visiting the sequence of grid positions containing 2,6,and 1. Other examples of G-generated expressions: "12-10+7", "6-5-1", "7-9". Other examples of expressions that are not G-generated: "20+10", "4-4-4-2".

There are two problems you have two solve:

Problem 1

Given a grid G, and a mathematical expression (as a string), you have to determine if the string is G-generated. You can always assume the expression given will be well-formed and will only contain operators + or -.

Problem 2

Given a grid G, an integer result, and an integer stipulating the number of operands numterms, find all expressions containing numterms operands that evaluate to result and that are G-generated. For example, given the grid G above, result = 9, and numterms = 2, the possible expressions are “4+5”, “5+4”, “7+2” and “2+7”.


Download the starter code here:, defines a class NumberGrid whose constructor takes 1 parameter: a 2D list (list of lists) representing the square grid G. A position in the grid is a 2 element tuple. More precisely, the first element of the tuple indexes a 1D list, and the second element indexes an element in the list indexed by the first tuple. (The first element is the "row" in the grid, and the second element is the "column".) 

There are two methods you have to implement

def is_expr_valid(self, expr):
    ''' returns true or false based on whether the given expression is G-generated '''

def find_all_exprs(self, result, numterms):
    ''' returns a list of all possible expression strings that evaluate to the given result, contain exactly numterms operands, and are G-generated.'''

Do not modify the header definitions for these functions, or the constructor for NumberGrid. Note: expression strings passed in as arguments to is_expr_valid will never contain any spaces, and the expressions in the list returned by find_all_exprs should not include any spaces either.

Hints and Tips

Grid Size
Number of operands in expression (numterms)
Max time taken by find_all_exprs
25 seconds
15 seconds
5 seconds
2 seconds
< 1 second
40 seconds
6 seconds
< 5
< 1 second

What to Submit

You have to submit (and any other helper modules you create).

You have to test your code using nose, but you do not have to submit your nose test cases. Instead, you have to submit a testing document named test.txt that describes the test cases that you ran, why you felt each test was necessary, and why your set of test cases is sufficient for ensuring the likelihood of bugs in your program is minimal. This document must be written in plain text, and must be readable with a unix-based text editor (such as vi or pico). The testing document will be graded on both content and style (i.e., make sure you use correct spelling and grammar).


Correctness 50%
Commenting/Code Style/Design 25%
Testing document 25%