
I pretend to be a grad student at the University of Toronto, but in reality I'm just a lecturer-for-hire, only a few months removed from having finished my undergrad (Honours B.Sc. in Computer Science, specializing in Information Systems).

This fall, I am teaching CSC181: Introduction to Computer Programming, a computer science course for Engineering Science students in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering.

In the summer, I had the pleasure of teaching CSC108: Introduction to Computer Programming and CSC148: Introduction to Computer Science, which together make up the first-year component of the Computer Science major offered by the Faculty of Arts and Science.

UofT links

University of Toronto
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering

teaching links

CSC181: Introduction to Computer Programming (for Engineering Science) - Current
CSC108: Introduction to Computer Programming - Current | Summer 2000
CSC148: Introduction to Computer Science - Current | Summer 2000

geek links

Java API documentation
The Java Tutorial

personal links

My home page
My resume

Ray Ortigas (rayo@dgp.toronto.edu) - Last updated 2000-09-05