As a first example, we will look at a simple regression problem, 
in which there is one real-valued input for each case, and one
real-valued target, whose value is to be predicted.

I generated synthetic data of this type in which the input variable,
x, for each case had a standard Gaussian distribution and the
corresponding target value came from a Gaussian distribution with
standard deviation 0.1 and mean given by

         0.3 + 0.4*x + 0.5*sin(2.7*x) + 1.1/(1+x^2)

I generated 200 cases in total, stored in the file 'rdata'.  Each case
consists of a line containing first the input value and then the
target value.  The first 100 of these cases are meant for training,
nand the second 100 for testing.

A neural network model for the regression problem.

We will model this data using a multilayer perceptron with one input
unit, one hidden layer of eight tanh units, and a single output unit
whose activation function is the identity.  The value of the output
unit will be taken as the mean of a Gaussian distribution for the
target, with the standard deviation of this Gaussian (the noise level)
being a hyperparameter to be estimated along with the parameters of
the network.  We will also use hyperparameters to express the prior
distributions for the network parameters.  Specifically, we will use
one hyperparameter for the input-to-hidden weights, one for the hidden
unit biases, and one for the hidden-to-output weights.  The output
unit bias will be given a simple Gaussian prior, with no adjustable
hyperparameter.  (The role of hyperparameters is primarily to
introduce dependencies between parameters, so they are usually not
used when they would control just a single parameter.)

The first step in applying this model to the data is to create a log
file containing the specifications for the network architecture and
the priors to use for the network parameters.  This can be done using
the following command:

    > net-spec rlog.net 1 8 1 / - 0.05:0.5 0.05:0.5 - x0.05:0.5 - 100

Here, "rlog.net" is the name of the new log file, and the arguments
"1", "8", and "1", specify the numbers of input, hidden, and output
units.  Following the "/", the priors for the various groups of
network parameters are given, with a "-" indicating that a parameter
group should be omitted (equivalent to the parameters being zero).
The order of the groups is a bit hard to remember, but you can get a
summary easily by just invoking 'net-spec' with no arguments.  The
groups in the above command that are not omitted are the input-hidden
weights, the hidden biases, the hidden-output weights, and the output

In general, the prior specifications used in the net-spec command
consist of a "width" value followed by up to three "alpha" values,
with perhaps an option character tacked on to the front.  For the full
details, see Appendix A of my thesis and prior.doc.  Here, I will just
comment on the particular priors used above.

The prior specification used for the output bias is simply "100",
which means that the bias has a Gaussian prior with mean zero and
standard deviation 100.  The prior specifications of the form
"0.05:0.5" indicate that the parameters in these groups are associated
with a hyperparameter, which gives the standard deviation of a
Gaussian prior for these parameters.  The hyperparameter itself has a
rather vague prior that spans several orders of magnitude around one.
The inverse gamma priors used are somewhat difficult to visualize,
because their tails are asymmetrical, but some standard choices are
often appropriate.  Here, the "0.5" after the colon controls how vague
the prior is (closer to zero is more vague).  The "0.05" specifies the
location of this vague distribution, but due to the asymmetry of the
tails, it is closer to being the lower limit of the prior than the
centre (for vague priors such as this). 

The "x" in front of the prior for the hidden-to-output weights
indicates that the prior should be automatically rescaled based on the
number of hidden units, so as to produce an effect that is independent
of the number of hidden units (in the limit of large numbers).

Once the network has been specified, we need to say how the network
outputs will be used to model the targets (response variables) in the
data set.  We do this with the 'model-spec' command:

    > model-spec rlog.net real 0.05:0.5

In this case, the targets are real-valued, and are modeled as the
network output plus Gaussian noise, with the noise standard deviation
being a hyperparameter having the prior given by the last argument of
the command.  The syntax of the prior specification is the same as 
for the priors on network parameters.

You can view the architecture and prior specifications stored in the
log file by invoking 'net-spec' with just a log file argument.  In
this example, this should give the following result:

    > net-spec rlog.net
    Network Architecture:
      Size of input layer:    1
      Sizes of hidden layers: 8
      Size of output layer:   1
      Data model: real
    Prior Specifications:
             Hidden Layer 0
      Input-Hidden Weights:    0.050:0.50
      Hidden Biases:           0.050:0.50
             Output Layer
      Hidden0-Output Weights: x0.050:0.50
      Input-Output Weights:    0.050:0.50
      Output Biases:           100.000

You can also view the model specification by invoking 'model-spec'
with just one argument giving the log file.

Once the network and data model have been specified, we need to
specify the data sets to be used for training and (optionally) for
testing.  We do this using the 'data-spec' command:

    > data-spec rlog.net 1 1 / rdata@1:100 . rdata@101:200 .
    Number of training cases: 100
    Number of test cases: 100

Here, "rlog.net" is the log file we created with 'net-spec', to which
the data specifications will be appended.  The "1" and "1" arguments
give the numbers of inputs and targets.  These must be consistent with
the network architecture (if not, an error will be reported later when
you try to start the training).

After the "/", specifications for where to get the training and test
data are given.  Each such specification consists of two parts: the
source for the inputs, and the source for the targets.  The
specification "rdata@1:100" means that the training inputs come from
the file 'rdata', in lines 1 to 100, while the specification of
"rdata@101:200" for the test inputs indicates that they also come from
the file 'rdata', but in lines 101 to 200.  In the above command, the
sources for the targets are given as just ".", which means the target
items are on the same lines as the inputs, following the last input
item.  We could have said that the targets come from a completely
different file, however.  It is also possible to specify exactly where
on a line the inputs and targets are located (and hence to ignore some
items in the file).  For documentation on these and other features,
see numin.doc.

Though it is not done above, the 'data-spec' command also allows you
to specify transformations to be applied to the inputs or targets
before they are used.  This is useful, for example, if you wish to use
inputs that have been "normalized" to have mean zero and variance one,
based on the training data.  See data-spec.doc for the details.

In the training runs reported in the thesis, I used a short "initial
phase" to get things started, followed by a long "sampling phase" to
bring the simulation to equilibrium and then produce a sample of
networks from the posterior for use in prediction.  I still use the
same general procedure, but with some changes to how the initial phase
is done.

It seems desirable to start the simulation in a state where the
hyperparameters take on moderate values, and leave them fixed for a
few iterations so that the network parameters will also take on
moderate values.  This can be accomplished using the following

    > net-gen rlog.net fix 0.5
    > mc-spec rlog.net repeat 10 sample-noise heatbath hybrid 100:10 0.2
    > net-mc rlog.net 1

The 'net-gen' command stores a network in the log file with index
zero, in which the hyperparameters have values of 0.5, and the network
parameters are zero.  This is the initial state of the simulation run.
The following 'mc-spec' command specifies the Markov chain operations
to be performed in the initial phase.  Here, each iteration consists
of ten repetitions of the following steps:  Gibbs sampling for the
noise level, a heatbath replacement of the momentum variables, and a
hybrid Monte Carlo update with a trajectory 100 leapfrog steps long,
using a window of 10, and a stepsize adjustment factor of 0.2.  Note
that the hyperparameters are not updated, and hence will remain fixed
at values of 0.5.  Finally, a single such iteration is done by calling
'net-mc' with an iteration limit of 1.

The stepsize adjustment factor of 0.2 used above is typical of what is
needed, but will not be appropriate in all circumstances.  After the
'net-mc' command has finished, the number of the 10 hybrid Monte Carlo
updates that were rejected can be determined using the command
'net-plt t r rlog.net', which will write the iteration number (of 1)
and the rejection rate on standard output.  If the rejection rate is
high (say, over 0.3), a new run should be done using a smaller
stepsize adjustment factor.  In the initial phase, one would generally
start by guessing a value for the stepsize adjustment factor that is
on the low side, since there is no point in optimizing this choice.

At this point, we hope to have a network stored in the log file (with
index 1) that has values for both the parameters and hyperparameters
that are of moderate magnitude, and which have adapted at least
somewhat to the training data.  We can now start serious sampling with
the following commands:

    > mc-spec rlog.net sample-sigmas heatbath hybrid 1000:10 0.4
    > net-mc rlog.net 100

The 'mc-spec' command appends a new set of Markov chain operations to
the log file, which will override the previous set.  These operations
are Gibbs sampling for both the hyperparameters and the noise level
(the "sigmas"), a heatbath update for the momentum variables, and a
hybrid Monte Carlo update with a trajectory 1000 leapfrog steps long,
a window of 10, and a stepsize adjustment factor of 0.4.  A long
trajectory length is typically desirable for the sampling phase.  As
in the initial phase, the stepsize adjustment factor of 0.4 used is
typical, but not universally applicable.  It may pay at this stage to
experiment in order to find out how large this factor can be while
keeping the rejection rate low.  The use of a "window" of around 10
states costs little and is often beneficial.

The 100 iterations of the sampling phase started with the command
'net-mc rlog.net 100' will take a while to complete (about four
minutes on our current SGI machine).  If you put the command in the
background (or add a '&' to the end of the 'net-mc' command), you will
be able to monitor progress while you wait.  For example, you can look
at the last network saved in the log file (or any earlier one) using
'net-display'.  After half a minute or so, you might see the following:

    > net-display rlog.net
    Network in file "rlog.net" with index 15
    Input to Hidden Layer 0 Weights [1]
     3.36 3.36: -1.24  +1.73  -4.04  -0.24  +2.49  -2.95  -1.56  -3.21
    Hidden Layer 0 Biases [2]
          1.90: -1.58  -3.59  +4.42  +0.85  -4.59  -3.69  +2.03  -0.40
    Hidden Layer 0 to Output Weights [3]
     0.76 0.76: -1.23
          0.76: +1.04
          0.76: +0.34
          0.76: -0.38
          0.76: -0.24
          0.76: +0.80
          0.76: +0.52
          0.76: -0.56
    Output Biases [4]
        100.00: +1.10
    Noise levels
       0.08 -  0.08

This display of network parameters and hyperparameters is divided into
sections for different parameter groups.  Within each section, the
numbers before the colons are hyperparameters, those after are
parameters (weight and biases).  There are more hyperparameters shown
than were mentioned earlier, but for this network architecture, the
extra hyperparameters are either fixed in value (the 100 for output
biases), or tied to the value of a higher-level hyperparameter, so
they are effectively not present.

The parameter groups in the 'net-display' output are identified by
numbers in square brackets.  These can be used with the 'h', 'w', 
and 'W' quantities of 'net-plt'.  For example, to see how the
hyperparameter controlling the hidden-to-output weights has changed
during the simulation (so far), one can use the command

    > net-plt t h3 rlog.net | plot

where 'plot' is some suitable plot program.  (One can also just invoke
net-plt and look at the numbers printed on standard output.)  Here
'h3' refers to the top-level hyperparameter for group 3, which is seen
in the output of 'net-display' above to be the hidden-to-output group.

By looking at plots of the hyperparameters and quantities such as the
squared error on the training set ('b'), one can get an idea of when
the simulation has reached equilibrium.  Networks from that point on
can then be used to make predictions for test case using the
'net-pred' program.  Often, it will not be completely clear that
equilibrium has been reached until the simulation has been allowed to
proceed for quite a long time, but predictions based on shorter runs
may nevertheless be quite good.

For this problem, let's assume that we have decided to discard the
first 20 iterations as perhaps not coming from the equilibrium
distribution.  The following command will use the networks from the
remaining 80 iterations to produce predictions for all test cases, and
report the average squared error:

    > net-pred itn rlog.net 21: 

    Number of networks used: 80

    Case  Inputs  Targets  Means   Error^2

       1    0.92    1.49     1.59  0.0093
       2    0.71    1.83     1.79  0.0012
       3    0.20    1.72     1.67  0.0021
            ( midde lines omitted )
      98   -0.69    0.35     0.35  0.0000
      99   -1.33    0.19     0.36  0.0277
     100   -0.09    1.31     1.24  0.0052

    Average squared error guessing mean:   0.01035+-0.00147

The options "itn" specified ask for a listing of the inputs ("i") and
targets ("t") for each case, along with the mean ("n") output for that
case of the 80 networks used for prediction.  The squared error when
using this mean to predict the target is shown for each case, and the
average squared error for the test cases is shown at the bottom, along
with its standard error with respect to the random selection of test
cases.  Considering that the average squared error with optimal
prediction is 0.01 (due to the noise of standard deviation 0.1 added
when generating the data), the network model has done quite well, as
one would hope it would on an easy problem such as this.

It is also possible to get predictions for cases that are not in the
test set that was specified with 'data-spec'.  For example:

    > net-pred nb rlog.net 11: / "%echo 2.3"

Here, the options "nb" ask for only the predictive mean, with "bare"
output (no headings).  The argument at the end says that the inputs
for test cases (here, just one case) should be taken from the output
of the Unix command "echo 2.3", which just outputs the number 2.3.

A Gaussian process model for the regression problem.

We can also model this data using a Gaussian process.  Such a model is
similar to a network model with an infinite number of hidden units.
The weights in this hypothetical infinite network are not represented
explicitly (fortunately, since this would require an infinite amount
of memory).  Only the hyperparameters are explicitly represented.

A Gaussian process model is specified using the gp-spec command, which
is analogous to the net-spec command.  For the simple regression
model, the following is one appropriate specification:

    > gp-spec rlog.gp 1 1 100 0.05:0.5 / 0.05:0.5 0.05:0.5

Here, "rlog.gp" is the name of the new log file that will hold the
results of the Gaussia process run.  The first two arguments following
the log file are the numbers of inputs and outputs, respectively, both
"1" for this problem.

The (optional) argument of "100" that follows is the priors for the
constant part of the covariance function used.  This corresponds to
the prior for the output unit bias in a network model.  A
specification for a linear part of the covariance could follow (but
doesn't here); it would correspond to a prior for direct input-output
connections in a network.  For reasons of computational accuracy, it
is best not to use too vague a prior for the constant part of the
covariance, even though that would not usually be a problem from a
statistical point of view.

The remaining arguments (after the "/") give the priors for the
hyperparameters used in an exponential term of the covariance
function.  These priors correspond to those for the hidden-output and
input-hidden weights in a network model.  (There is no counterpart
here to the prior for the hidden unit biases in a network model.)  The
first prior is for the scale of this term, which controls the
magnitude of the non-linear variation in the function.  The second
prior is for the relevance of the input, which controls the amount by
which the input has to change to produce a change in the non-linear
component of the function that is comparable to the overall scale over
which this component varies.  The prior specifications are in the same
form as is used for network specifications (see prior.doc).  The
specifications of "0.05:0.5" used here are vague, allowing these
hyperparameters to take on values over a wide range.

The specification can be viewed by invoking 'gp-spec' with just the
name of the log file:

    > gp-spec rlog.gp
    Number of inputs:    1
    Number of outputs:   1

    Constant part of covariance:  100.000

    Exponential parts of covariance:

       Scale           Relevance            Power

       0.050:0.50      0.050:0.50           2.000

Once the Gaussian process model for functions has been specified, we
can specify how the function values are used to model the targets in
the dataset using 'model-spec', in exactly the same was as for a
network model:

    > model-spec rlog.gp real 0.05:0.5

We also say where the training and (optionally) the test data comes
from using 'data-spec':

    > data-spec rlog.gp 1 1 / rdata@1:100 . rdata@101:200 .

The model and data specifications can be viewed by invoking these
programs with just the name of a log file.

We are now ready to sample from the posterior distribution of the
hyperparameters for the Gaussian process model.  To start, we can fix
the hyperparmeters at reasonable initial values, using 'gp-gen':

    > gp-gen rlog.gp fix 0.5 0.1

This fixes the scale hyperparameters to 0.5 and the relevance
hyperparameters to 0.1 (linear hyperparameters, if present, would be
fixed to the product of these).  By default, the hyperparameters are
set to the "width" value from their prior specification.  Because the
priors are often vague (as here), this may not be a very reasonable
starting point.

We now specify the Markov chain operations to be used in sampling.
There are a great many possibilities for these operations.  Here is
one reasonable method:

    > mc-spec rlog.gp heatbath hybrid 20:4 0.5

This uses hybrid Monte Carlo, with trajectories 20 leapfrog steps
long, with a window of 4 states.  The stepsize adjustment factor used
is 0.5.  If the rejection rate turns out to be too high (as can be
checked using the 'gp-plt t r rlog.gp' command), the stepsize should
be adjusted downward.

To peform these sampling operations 100 times, we use the following

    > gp-mc rlog.gp 100

We can let this run in the background (eg, by adding '&' to the end of
the command), and use 'gp-plt' or 'gp-display' to monitor progress.
The quantities that can be plotted with 'gp-plt' are similar to those
that can be plotted using 'net-plt', except that quantities relating
to test cases have been omitted, since they would often take a long
time to compute (the 'E' and 'H' quantities, defined in the "mc"
module, may also take a long time).  See gp-quantities.doc for

Once the gp-mc run has completed (which takes about two minutes on
our SGI machine), the iterations from the latter part of the run can
be used to make predictions for test cases.  This is done using
'gp-pred', which operates much like 'net-pred'.  The following command
makes predictions for the test cases based on the last 80 of the 100
iterations, and reports the average squared error:

    > gp-pred na rlog.gp 21:

    Number of iterations used: 80

    Number of test cases: 100

    Average squared error guessing mean:   0.00972+-0.00131

This takes only a few seconds on our machine.  Predictions will take
longer when the number of training cases is larger, or if the median
or log probability are to be found (options "d" or "p" of 'gp-pred').
As can be seen, the performance of the Gaussian process model is quite
similar to that of the neural network model for this problem.  (The
difference in average performance seen is probably not significant,
considering the standard errors.)

The predictions for test cases made above are found directly from the
covariances between the targets in the training cases and the unknown
target in a test case.  The values of the regression function for the
training cases are never explicitly found.  Consequently, it is not
possible to plot quantities such as the squared error on training
cases over the course of the run.  To plot such quantities, you will
have to ask for the function values for training cases to be generated
in each iteration.  This takes a significant amount of time, and can
potentially cause numerical problems, which is why gp-plt won't just
do it as needed.

If you want to be able to plot the squared error on training cases (or
similar quantities such as case-by-case likelihoods), you will need to
change the 'mc-spec' command to the following:

    > mc-spec rlog.gp2 discard-values heatbath hybrid 20:4 0.5 sample-values

The "sample-values" operation at the end generates function values for
all the training cases, which will be stored in the log file.  These
values can later be used to compute the squared error for training
cases, which can be plotted with a command such as

    > gp-plt t b rlog.gp2

The "discard-values" operation throws away the function values (if
present) before the operations for updating hyperparameters.  Throwing
away information may seem wasteful, but it actually improves
convergence in this context.

Unfortunately, if you make only this change, you will probably get the
following error message when you try to run 'gp-mc':

  Couldn't find Cholesky decomposition of posterior covariance in sample-values!

This message is produced when the round-off error in the matrix
computations used by "sample-values" is enough to turn the results
into nonsense.  The problem is due to the poor "conditioning" of the
covariance matrix.  Roughly speaking, the covariances between
neighbouring training cases are so high that knowing all but one
function value is enough to determine the remaining function value to
a precision comparable to the level of round-off error.

To fix this, the conditioning of the covariance matrix must be improved.
Changing the 'gp-spec' command as follows is sufficient on our machine:

    > gp-spec rlog.gp2 1 1 10 - 0.01 / 0.05:0.5 0.05:0.5

There are two changes here from the 'gp-spec' command used before.
First, the constant part of the covariance has been reduced from 100
to 10, which in fact makes little difference for this problem.  Since
arithmetic is done in floating point, this increases the effective
precision of the covariances.  Second, the covariance now includes a
"jitter" part of 0.01 (the "-" preceding this indicates that there is
still no linear part).  Jitter is much like noise, in that it varies
independently from one case to another, but it is considered part of
the function value, which noise is not.  The jitter makes all the
function values less predictable, reducing the problem of poor
conditioning.  Jitter plays a more crucial role for binary and class