On Syslab desktop backups

If your machine is in the BackupPC system, you can self-administer by going to:


Your userid/password are the same as they would be to log on to syslab (AKA tomlin) by SSH.

The webpage is only accessible from inside syslab. Once you are logged it, you can request an immediate backup of your machine, or browse past backups and select files to restore.

If your direct restore fails, check your local /etc/sudoers file by running

$ sudo visudo
It may be that you have this older set of lines:
# Syslab BackupPC *** DO NOT REMOVE ***
backuppc ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync --server --sender *
Which should actually be:
# Syslab BackupPC *** DO NOT REMOVE ***
backuppc ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync --server *
(the older set allows backups only)