CSC444'09F Assignment 1 Marking

Estimate10 marks
Consider only pressence or absence
2.5 marks per phase
Detailed Time Logs10 marks
Look for detail and accuracy
Ensure phase is identified
not done0
poorly done4
well done8
Detailed Defect Logs10 marks
Look for detail and accuracy
Ensure phase found present
Ensure phase attributed to present
Ensure brief note explaining defect is present
not done0
poorly done4
well done8
Time Summary5 marks
Check that time adds up properly
Part marks for suspect entries
1 mark per phase
+1 for doing everything correct
Defect Summary5 marks
Ensure both phase found in and phase attributed to are present
Part marks for suspect entries
1 mark per phase
+1 for doing everything correct
Specification printout10 marks
Explains inputs and outputs clearly and concisely
not done0
poorly done4
well done8
Design printout10 marks
Explains algorithm and data structures used
Clear and concise
Do not deduct marks for bad algorithm or data structures here
not done0
poorly done4
well done8
Testing10 marks
not done0
poorly done4
well done8
Code Printout10 marks
How clearly the code is written
Good variable and subroutine naming
Good comments
Clarity of coding constructs
Do not take into account whether or not it works
Do not take into account algorithm or efficiency
not done0
poorly done4
well done8
Algorithm Quality10 marks
not done or cannot work0
inefficient or lacking recursion4
reasonably ok8
excellent, over the top good10
Commentary10 marks
not done0
poorly done4
well done8
well done plus some extra excellent insight into something10