CSC444'07F Assignment 2.2 Marking

Time Logs10 marks
Complete and detailed
Final Release Plan20 marks
Are all relevant sections there
Are the book's definitions used accurately
Listing actual dates compared to intended dates
Actuals versus estimates for work factors
Actuals versus estimates for features
Code Printout40 marks
Good variable and subroutine naming10
Good comments on methods, classes, files, in-code10
Good architecture / design20
Analysis25 marks
Drawing interesting conclusions from the experience
Explaining why specific work factors were different
Explaining why specific feature estimates were different
Backed by your measured numbers
Comparison of estimated to actuals
Referencing details in time logs
Functionality5 marks
Web based or not
Feature richness
Bonus5 marks
Is it available for execution.
How good is it, subjectively.