Quality of code and tests: 1) Good coding practices * H - Main header for the program is missing * FH - Function headers are missing * struct - Program lacks structure. For example, long program, all written under the main function. Could have been split into smaller, meaningful fuctions * C or Comments: Useful comments missing. Instead of function headers could have atleast have comments. * MN - Magic numbers. mostly for wordsize. Encountered exit(1) or exit(99) or return(0) return(1), where it should have been exit(SUCCESS) or return(TRUE) ETC. *Const - did not define constants for comment symbols such as '//' or '*/' etc. * vars - could have used more meaningful variable names 2) Testing Not enough to just test on A1 and A2. Mostly encountered several untested cases such as: * wrong number of input arguments * missing file (wrong file name or wrong directory) * blank file Most assignments were well tested for different cases of comment lines.