
  • Ozan Erdem, George Katsirelos and Fahiem Bacchus. Table Constraints in Clause Learning CSP Solvers. ModRef 2013.
  • Ozan Erdem. Haplotype Inference with Polyallelic and Polyploid Genotypes. In Proc. of the 1st Computer Science Student Workshop (CSW10).
  • Selen Basol, Ozan Erdem, Michael Fink, Giovambattista Ianni: HEX Programs with Action Atoms. ICLP (Technical Communications) 2010: 24-33
  • Esra Erdem, Ozan Erdem, Ferhan Ture: HAPLO-ASP: Haplotype Inference Using Answer Set Programming. LPNMR 2009: 573-578