If you're going to do any research into solving the traveling salesman problem (TSP), then you should know about these references. They are in Bibtex format, which is human-readable without too much work.
New 1998/5/30 I just found Mark Noschang's online survey paper about the TSP. It looks pretty good.
An excellent introduction to the TSP in general is the following:
@book { LawlerLRS1985, editor = {E.~L.~Lawler and J.~K.~Lenstra and A.~H.~G.~Rinnooy Kan and D.~B.~Shmoys}, title = "The Traveling Salesman Problem", publisher = "John Wiley \& Sons Ltd.", year = 1985 }
The best results so far in solving TSPs exactly are in the following sources:
@unpublished{ ApplegateBixbyChvatalCook1994a, fullauthor = {David Applegate and Robert Bixby and Va\u{s}ek Chv\'{a}tal and William Cook}, author = {D.~Applegate and R.~Bixby and V.~Chv\'{a}tal and W.~Cook}, title = "Finding cuts in the {TSP} (a preliminary report)", month = "August", year = 1994, note = "Published electronically, at ftp://netlib.att.com/netlib/att/math/applegate/TSP/tsp\_aug23.ps.Z", email = "David Applegate is david@research.att.com" } @unpublished{ ApplegateBixbyChvatalCook1994b, fullauthor = {David Applegate and Robert Bixby and Va\u{s}ek Chv\'{a}tal and William Cook}, author = {D.~Applegate and R.~Bixby and V.~Chv\'{a}tal and W.~Cook}, month = "August", year = 1994, note = "Published electronically, at ftp://netlib.att.com/netlib/att/math/applegate/TSP/proofs", email = "David Applegate is david@research.att.com" }
The best approximate solutions are found by the Lin-Kernighan heuristic, especially as implemented in Johnson et.al.'s work:
@article { LinKernighan1973, author = "S.~Lin and B.~W.~Kernighan", title = {An effective heuristic algorithm for the traveling salesman problem}, journal = "Operations Research", volume = 21, year = 1973, pages = "498--516" } @inproceedings { Johnson1990, fullauthor = "David S.~Johnson", author = "D.~S.~Johnson", title = "Local optimization and the traveling salesman problem", booktitle = "ICALP '90", year = 1990, note ={Proceedings of the $17^{th}$ Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming}, publisher = "Springer-Verlag", pages = "446-461" } @unpublished { JohnsonMcGeoch1995, fullauthor = "David S.~Johnson and Lyle A.~McGeoch", author = "D.~S.~Johnson and L.~A.~McGeoch", title = {The {Traveling} {Salesman} {Problem}: {A} {Case} {Study} in {Local} {Optimization}}, year = 1995, note = {Draft of November 20, 1995. To appear as a chapter in the book {\sl Local Search in Combinatorial Optimization}, E.~H.~L.~Aarts and J.~K.~Lenstra (eds.), John Wiley and Sons, New York.} }This last reference can temporarily be found at: ftp://dimacs.rutgers.edu/pub/dsj/temp/chap.ps.Z
The Lin-Kernighan heuristic is suitable for any symmetric TSP.
For a comparison of approximate TSP algorithms on some standard data, see Reinelt's work:
@article { Reinelt1991, fullauthor = "Gerhard Reinelt", author = "G.~Reinelt", title = "{TSPLIB} --- A Traveling Salesman Problem Library", journal = "ORSA Journal on Computing", year = 1991, volume = 3, number = 4, pages = "376--384" } @book { Reinelt1994, fullauthor = "Gerhard Reinelt", author = "G.~Reinelt", title = {The traveling salesman: Computational solutions for {TSP} applications}, publisher = "Springer {V}erlag", year = 1994, isbn = "0-387-58334-3", note = "LNCS 840" }
Ton Volgenant has published a Pascal program for exactly solving Euclidean TSPs of up to about 200 cities.
@article { Volgenant1990, fullauthor = "Ton~Volgenant", author = "T.~Volgenant", title = "Symmetric {TSP}s ({ORSEP} program)", journal = "European Journal of Operational Research", year = 1990, volume = 49, pages = "153--154", smail = {Operations research group, Department of Actuarial Sciences and Econometrics, Roetersstraat 11, 1018 WB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, tel 020 5254219 (4217)} }
You should also know about the TSPLIB home page.