function rand_resetter = make_rand_resetter() %MAKE_RAND_RESETTER returns a function to return all RNGs to their current state % % Usage: % rand_resetter = make_rand_resetter(); % ... stuff ... % rand_resetter(); % % Now random numbers are generated as though stuff didn't happen. % % The states of all of Matlab/Octave's built in RNGs are reinstated % by rand_resetter(). % % This is necessary for robust library routines. One could do this: % state = rand('twister'); % ... stuff ... % rand('twister', state); % But this requires knowing that 'twister' was the correct generator. Matlab % provides no documented way of probing the generator that is in use. And randn % needs to be updated too. This function sorts all that out. % % Since writing this, I discovered that Matlab 2008b introduces more complicated % random number state functionality through "streams": % % Only use this function if your code uses the "classic" interface for RNG % states, because I haven't got around to taking the new stuff into account, and % (at time of writing) I didn't have Matlab 2008b. % Iain Murray, October 2008 % May need to add to lists of generator types for future Matlab releases: fn1 = make_family_resetter(@rand, {'seed', 'state', 'twister'}); fn2 = make_family_resetter(@randn, {'seed', 'state'}); % Return a function that will run both resetters: rand_resetter = @() run_all({fn1, fn2}); function fn = make_family_resetter(randfn, generators) % Make a RNG resetter for one family of generators (e.g. rand or randn) % Save the states of all generators in this family: % ------------------------------------------------- % one-liner version isn't robust to errors: %states = cellfun(@(gg) randfn(gg), generators, 'UniformOutput', false); states = cell(size(generators)); keep = logical(ones(size(generators))); for ii = 1:numel(generators) try states{ii} = randfn(generators{ii}); catch % Assume using old version of Matlab that doesn't know this generator keep(ii) = false; end end states = states(keep); generators = generators(keep); % bug in Octave 3.0.2 doesn't allow the one-liner: %resetters = cellfun(@(gg, ss) @() randfn(gg, ss), generators, states, 'UniformOutput', false); resetters = cell(size(generators)); for ii = 1:numel(generators) resetters{ii} = @() randfn(generators{ii}, states{ii}); end % We work out which generator is in use by comparing some random draws with % those generated by each generator with their saved states. sampler = @() randfn(8, 1); next = sampler(); for ii = 1:numel(generators) gg = generators{ii}; resetters{ii}(); next_with_gg = sampler(); if isequal(next_with_gg, next) resetters{ii}(); % Make the last resetter be the one for the current generator so that it % will be reinstated. last = resetters{end}; resetters{end} = resetters{ii}; resetters{ii} = last; fn = @() run_all(resetters); return; end end error('Matlab must have implemented a new random generator since this was written.'); % If you get this error, update the list of generators {'seed', 'state', 'twister'} % at the top of this m-file