CSC 2427, Advanced Topics in Graph Theory: Random Graphs, Spring 2011


Thursday 3-5, GB119

Grading scheme:  Assignments – 50%,  Project – 50%

Text:  No required text, but “Random Graphs” by Bollobas and “Random Graphs” by Janson, Luczak and Rucinski are recommended.

Course Description

Previous Lectures

Assignment 1 is due on Wed Feb 9. 

Assignment 2 is due on Mon Mar 28.  (I reposted a version with corrections.)

An ungraded exercise    to be completed before the Mar 17 lecture.

Another ungraded exercise    to be completed before the Mar 31 lecture.


Course Projects will be presented on Mon May 2 in GB 221:


1:10  Arron  The diameter of a scale-free random graph

2:25  Wesley  Random MAX k-SAT: phase transitions in problems with real-valued (i.e. non-binary) objective functions

3:40 Giovanna  (2+p)-SAT





Here are some papers that we discussed in class:

Luczak. A note on the sharp concentration of the chromatic number of random graphs

Nachmias and Peres. The critical random graph, with martingales. 

Friedgut  Hunting for Sharp Thresholds.

Friedgut Sharp Thresholds of Graph Properties, and the k-sat Problem.

Achlioptas and Friedgut A Sharp Threshold for k-Colorability

Hatami A structure theorem for Boolean functions with small total influences

Molloy and Reed A Critical Point for Random Graphs with a Given Degree Sequence.

Molloy and Reed The Size of the Largest Component of a Random Graph on a Fixed Degree Sequence.

Pittel, Spencer and Wormald  Sudden emergence of a giant k-core in a random graph

Molloy Cores in random hypergraphs and boolean formulas

Fernholz and Ramachandran  The giant k-core of a random graph with a specified degree sequence.

Achlioptas Lower Bounds for Random 3-SAT via Differential Equations

Wormald, The differential equation method for random graph processes and greedy algorithms

Chvatal and Szemeredi  Many hard examples for resolution

Achlioptas, Beame and Molloy A Sharp Threshold in Proof Complexity Yields a Lower Bound for Satisfiability Search

Dubois and Mandler The 3-XOR-SAT Threshold.  

Achlioptas and Moore Random k-SAT: Two Moments Suffice to Cross a Sharp Threshold 

Achlioptas and Peres The Threshold for Random k-SAT is 2k log 2 - O(k)

Achlioptas and Naor   The Two Possible Values of the Chromatic Number of a Random Graph 

Achlioptas  Random Satisfiability 

Achlioptas  Solution clustering in Random Satisfiability

Achlioptas, Coja-Oghlan and Ricci-Tersenghi  On the solution-space geometry of random constraint satisfaction problems 

Achlioptas and Coja-Oghlan  Algorithmic Barriers from Phase Transitions 

 Braunstein, Mezard and Zecchina  Survey Propagation: an algorithm for satisfiability

Maneva, Mossel and Wainwright  A new look at survey propagation and its generalizations

Coja-Oghlan and Pachon-Pinzen  The decimation process in random k-SAT

Coja-Oghlan  A better algorithm for random k-SAT

Achlioptas and Ricci-Tersenghi Random formulas have frozen variables