
Uncommon Words from Two Sentences

Link to LeetCode:



We are given two sentences A and B.
(A sentence is a string of space separated words. Each word consists only of lowercase letters.)
A word is uncommon if it appears exactly once in one of the sentences, and does not appear in the other sentence.
Return a list of all uncommon words.
You may return the list in any order.


Example 1:

Input: A = "this apple is sweet", B = "this apple is sour"
Output: ["sweet","sour"]

Example 2:

Input: A = "apple apple", B = "banana"
Output: ["banana"]

Initial Code and Signature:

public interface UnCommonWords {
	public String[] uncommonFromSentences(String A, String B);



  1. Consider a frequency map from a String to a pair of Integers.
  2. A pair represents the count of a word in each of the two input arrays.
  3. Split each sentence by white space and put into two arrays.
  4. Update the pair related to the count of each word in the frequency map.
  5. Return the keys in the map whose sum of pair is exactly one.

Run-Time Complexity Analysis

O (N)

GitHub Project:



 * @author: Mahsa Sadi
 * @since: 2020 - 06 - 02
 * License: Creative Commons
 * Copyright by Mahsa Sadi

import java.util.*;
public class UnCommonWordsS1 implements UnCommonWords {

	 * Problem: Uncommon Words from Two Sentences
	 * Description:
	 * We are given two sentences A and B. 
	 * (A sentence is a string of space separated words.  
	 * Each word consists only of lower case letters.)
	 * A word is uncommon if it appears exactly once in one of the sentences, 
	 * and does not appear in the other sentence.
	 * Return a list of all uncommon words. 
	 * You may return the list in any order.

	 * Solution:
	 * 1 - Consider a frequency map from a String to a pair of Integers.
	 * The pair represents the count of a word in each of the two input arrays.
	 * 2-  Split each sentence by space and put into two arrays.
	 * 3-  Update the pair related to the count of each word in the frequency map. 
	 * 4-  Return the keys in the map whose sum of pair is exactly one.

	List < String > unCommonWords;
	Map < String, Pair > frequency = new HashMap < String, Pair > ();
	String [] AWords, BWords;

	public String[] uncommonFromSentences(String A, String B) {

		AWords = A.split(" ");
		BWords = B.split(" ");

		this.unCommonWords = new ArrayList < String > ();

		int i;
		int minLength = Math.min (AWords.length, BWords.length);

		for (i = 0 ; i < minLength ; i++)
			putInFrequencyMapA (i);
			putInFrequencyMapB (i);

		for (int j = i; j < AWords.length; j++)
			putInFrequencyMapA (j);

		for (int j = i; j < BWords.length; j++)
			putInFrequencyMapB (j);

		int k = 0;

		for (String key : this.frequency.keySet())
			if  ( this.frequency.get(key).sumOfValues() == 1)


		return this.unCommonWords.toArray(new String [this.unCommonWords.size()]);

	public void putInFrequencyMapA (int index)
		if (! frequency.containsKey(AWords [index]))
			frequency.put(AWords [index], new Pair (1,0));

			Pair vals = frequency.get(AWords [index]);



	public void putInFrequencyMapB (int index)
		if (! frequency.containsKey(BWords [index]))
			frequency.put(BWords [index], new Pair (0,1));

			Pair vals = frequency.get(BWords [index]);

	public class Pair {

		private Integer value1, value2;

		public Pair (int i, int j)
			value1 = i;
			value2 = j;

		public void increaseValue1 ()

		public void increaseValue2 ()

		public Integer getValue1 ()
			return value1;

		public Integer getValue2 ()
			return value2;

		public Integer sumOfValues ()
			return this.value1 + this.value2;

