
Permutation Sequence

Link to LeetCode:



The set [1,2,3,...,n] contains a total of n! unique permutations.
By listing and labeling all of the permutations in order, we get the following sequence for n = 3:
Given n and k, return the kth permutation sequence.
Given n will be between 1 and 9 inclusive.
Given k will be between 1 and n! inclusive.


Example 1:

Input: n = 3, k = 3
Output: "213"

Example 2:

Input: n = 4, k = 9
Output: "2314"

Initial Code and Signature:

public interface PermutationFinder {
    public String getPermutation(int n, int k);



Main Idea:
floor (k / (n-1)!) + 1 identifies the first number in the kth permutation sequence.
floor ( ( k % (n-1) ! + 1 ) / (n-2)!) + 1 identifies the second number in the kth sequence.
floor (((k % (n-1) ! + 1 ) / (n-2)! +1) / (n-3) !) + 1 identifies the third number in the kth sequence.
and so on....

  1. Consider a list of integers containing numbers 1, ..., n.
  2. Calculate floor (k / (n-1)!)
  3. Calculate k % (n-1)!
  4. If k > 0
    1. Add number located at the position of floor (k / (n-1)!) to the kth permutation sequence.
    2. Remove the added element from the list of numbers.
    3. n = n-1
    4. k = k % (n-1)!
    5. go to (2-)
  5. else (i.e; k = 0)
    1. Add element number floor (k / (n-1)!) - 1
  6. Add whatever element that has not been added in reverse order.

Run-Time Analysis:

GitHub Project:



 * @author Mahsa Sadi
 * @since 2020 - 04 - 09
 * License: Creative Commons
 * Copyright by Mahsa Sadi
import java.util.*;

public class PermutationFinderV2 implements PermutationFinder {

	 * Problem: Permutation Sequence
	 * @see: https://leetcode.com/problems/permutation-sequence/
	 * Description:
	 * The set [1,2,3,...,n] contains a total of n! unique permutations.

	   By listing and labeling all of the permutations in order, we get the following sequence for n = 3:
	 * Given n and k, return the kth permutation sequence.
	 * Note:
	 *     Given n will be between 1 and 9 inclusive.
	 *     Given k will be between 1 and n! inclusive.
	 * Solution:
	 * Main Idea:
	 *  floor (k / (n-1)!) + 1 identifies the first number in the kth permutation sequence. 
	 *  floor ( ( k % (n-1) ! + 1 ) / (n-2)!) identifies the second number in the kth sequence.
	 *  floor (  (k % (n-1) ! + 1 / (n-2)!  + 1 ) / (n-3) !) identifies the third number in the kth sequence.
	 *  and so on.....
	 * 1- Consider a list of integers containing numbers 1, ..., n.
	 * 2- Calculate floor (k / (n-1)!)
	 * 3- Calculate k % (n-1)!
	 * 4- If k > 0
	 *   add element number floor (k / (n-1)!)
	 *   remove the added element from the list of numbers
	 *   n = n-1
	 *   k = k % (n-1) !
	 *   go to (2-)
	 * 5- else (i.e; k = 0) 
	 *   add element number floor (k / (n-1)!) - 1
	 * 6- add whatever element that has not been added in reverse order.

	public String getPermutation(int n, int k) {

		String KthPermutation = "";
		List  letters = new ArrayList  ();
		int iMinusOneFactorial = getFactorial (n);

		for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)

		for (int i = n-1; i > 0; i--)
			iMinusOneFactorial = iMinusOneFactorial / (i+1);

			if ( k >= iMinusOneFactorial) 
				int number = Math.floorDiv(k , iMinusOneFactorial);
				k =  k % iMinusOneFactorial;

				if( k > 0)
					KthPermutation += letters.remove(number);

					KthPermutation += letters.remove(number - 1);

				KthPermutation += letters.remove(0);


		for(int i = letters.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
			KthPermutation += letters.remove(i);

		return KthPermutation;

	public int getFactorial (int n)
		int result = 1;

		for (int i = n; i > 0; i--)
			result *= i;

		return result;
