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The situation calculus.

Deterministic actions: they have only one outcome.

Stochastic actions: they have several outcomes.

tex2html_wrap_inline775 terminates the process of going from location tex2html_wrap_inline777 to tex2html_wrap_inline779 at time t and has two outcomes: tex2html_wrap_inline783 and tex2html_wrap_inline785

Sense actions: they return binary or real-valued data at the run time.

tex2html_wrap_inline795 represents the initial situation.

do(endGoS(MO,Rm1,82), do(startGo(MO,Rm1,12), do(sense(Battery,24,11), do(pickup(Coffee,5), tex2html_wrap_inline795))))
is the situation that results after executing in sequence 4 actions mentioned above.

Effects of all high-level actions are specified in the situation calculus by means of precondition and successor state axioms.