University of Toronto - Winter 2002
Department of Computer Science

Announcements for UTM class

General Announcements

Wed. April 23rd: Project Marks Posted

Announcement:All term work marks are now posted. You can collect your work from the bags outside my office during any office hours or during the day on most Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays.

Wednesday March 13: Project Cover Sheet

Question:Where is the project cover sheet?
Answer: Don't worry about having one for UTM. We all have the same TA anyway. Please DO be careful to print the names and student numbers of all your group members clearly on your envelope containing your project proposal.


Announcement: The midterm will be held in NE160 ( yes, the North building).

Wed. 6 February: A1b marking

Announcement: In class I promised to post last year's A1 marking sheet. here it is.

Thursday 17 January: Tutorial Location

Question:On ROSI it says my 228 tutorial is in the north building but on the main 228 site you said it was in 1104. Where do I go?
Answer: We are combining both tutorial sections and putting them into SE 1104. That is the same room where we meet for lectures.

Wednesday 09 January: No Tutorial for Week 1

Announcement: There will be no tutorial this week. Tutorials will start in week 2.