Rules for Assignment Submissions 

In this course, you will be submitting some of your assignments
electronically. We will be printing them for the TAs to mark, and we also
will do some testing automatically. Therefore you must obey the following

   1.Each line must be less than 80 characters long, including tabs and spaces. 
     Beware of "soft returns" -- some word processors, like WordPad, wrap
     lines automatically. If you use such a program, make sure that you
     press the return key yourself.
   2.We will print your documents with a tab width of 4. 
     The best ways to make sure your program will be formatted correctly is
     never to mix spaces and tabs -- use only tabs, or only spaces. If you
     use a tab width of less than 4, it is your responsibility to make sure
     that your lines are shorter than 80 characters when we print your
     program. CodeWarrior is set up at school to use a tab width of 4, and
     you can do that at home, too, in almost all IDEs.
     If your editor doesn't display the line width, you can always make a
     line of 80 characters and paste it in to check whether you've gone
     over. If you're reading this electronically, you can copy and paste
     the following line into your file (make sure to align it at
     the left margin): 


   3.Capitalization matters in Java, including in filenames.
	 This means that class names must match the filenames exactly. For
     example, if your class is called AssignmentZero, your file must be
     called, and not or Use the capitalization asked for in the handout
     and starter code.
   4.Your .java files must be submitted in the proper directory which 
     unless otherwise stated is:
       at St. George:/submit/csc108h/xxxxxxxx/Az/, where xxxxxxxx is
     your login ID, and z is the number of the assignment. (For example, if
     your login ID was a108fraz and you were submitting Assignment 3, the
     correct submission directory would be /submit/csc108h/a108fraz/A3/.)

       at Erindale: /student/submithome/csc108h/az/xxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx is
     your login ID, and z is the number of the assignment. (For example, if
     your login ID was e0d12jkl and you were submitting Assignment 3, the
     correct submission directory would be /u/submit/csc108h/a3/e0d12jkl/.)

     Don't submit your entire CodeWarrior directory. Don't put your .java
     files in subdirectories that you create.
   5.Sometimes we will ask you to submit written answers to questions. Any
     submissions must be plain text only. You can easily ensure this by
     typing your answers in CodeWarrior. (Important: these files MUST NOT
     be in Microsoft Word format. Microsoft doesn't make a Unix version of
     Word. Using Notepad is OK.) If you submit in a format that is not
     plain text, your work will not be marked. (And we really mean this!)
   6.If you resubmit a file, that is the only copy we will have. Your old
     submission will be overwritten, including the timestamp.
   7.It's okay to submit extra files. We will ignore all files that we
     didn't ask for.
   8.If you do not follow rules 3 and 4, our automarking program will not
     be able to find your assignment. Therefore, if you violate either of
     them you will be given a zero. You may appeal this decision once during
     the term, but there is a 20% penalty to your assignment mark for the
     appeal. The process is detailed on the course web site.
   9.You will usually get some marks if your program compiles, even if it
     doesn't run correctly. Thus, it is always in your best interest to
     turn in something that compiles.
  10.When an assignment specifies output, the output of your code
     must follow the specification precisely. This includes using
     exactly the capitalization, number of spaces, punctuation and
     line breaks specified. And you must not add anything extra to
     the output. Your program may be marked automatically (by another
     program!) and any output which isn't exactly as specified will
     receive a zero.
  11.Don't use package statements. If you use a different IDE that 
     automatically inserts package statements then remove them.
  12.It is possible that these rules will be overridden for particular
     assignments. Any such changes will be announced in class or on the web